Dreaming about snakes: Meaning and symbolism 🐍

I am truly passionate about dreams and their interpretation and today we are going to talk about dreaming about snakes and their meaning and symbology.

The meaning of dreaming about snakes

Snakes commonly symbolize fear of transformation. Dreaming about a snake is a sign that you are afraid of something in your waking life or a warning that changes are coming.

Whether you dream about a snake in your house or are bitten by a snake, the meaning behind the dream depends on your personal real-life situation. Some common meanings of snakes include: fear, transformation, sex, evil, or knowledge.

Let's look at some common meanings behind dreams about snakes. Each dreamer needs to find his own personal meaning among common observations.

How to interpret dreams about snakes

Dreaming about snakes can be a positive or negative symbol. When analyzing your dream think about:

  • What the snake was doing
  • Who was in the dream
  • Your feelings and attitude during sleep.

Common Symbolic Meanings of Snakes

Fear: you are afraid of something or someone in your waking life; Maybe you are too afraid to face the commitment, your boss, or a difficult situation. Dreaming about snakes could be a wake-up call for you to face your fears.

Growth and renewal: Snakes often represent a change in life or renewal. If your life is problematic, then dreaming about a snake may be how your unconscious mind is helping you accept your struggles.

Unconscious anxieties: Snakes will appear in dreams while your emotions are out of control. They represent that things cause stress, sadness or anger.

Transcendence: A snake can also be a symbol of transcending to a higher level of consciousness.

Phallic symbol: The snake could be a phallic symbol. Are you suppressing your sexual needs? Are you experiencing feelings of helplessness? A snake dream may be pointing to sexual deficiencies or urges.

Knowledge and wisdom: In some Native American or Asian cultures, snakes represent wisdom. Dreaming about a snake could mean that there is knowledge that you are seeking or trying to find.

Repressed desires: A snake could also represent your innermost desires. If the snake bites you in your dream, it can be a wake-up call to fulfill those desires.

What does it mean to dream that a snake bites you?

Dreaming about a snake biting you is a warning sign about a toxic person or a challenging situation that could harm you, or your unconscious is trying to send you a wake-up call to act on something.

Something from your past or in your present is bothering you and you are consciously or unconsciously ignoring it. It can also represent the fact that you feel paralyzed or trapped in your current situation. Maybe there is something you want to do, but you can't find the solution or the courage to do it.

In a positive light, a snake bite could also be a symbol that something in your life is about to change dramatically. If you dream of a snake biting you on your leg or foot, then your unconscious is predicting a great transformation. Your feet represent balance and getting bitten on the foot can be a prediction of changes to come.

Dream about a black snake

Dreaming about a black snake means that there is something dark and sinister in your life, it may either be a sign that you should be careful about potential danger or it is your subconscious dealing with the depression or sadness that you experience in your waking life. .

Maybe there's some emotional distress you're still dealing with subconsciously (perhaps you're not over an ex or you're harboring feelings of guilt and regret). Seeing a black snake is generally a sign of a bad relationship or energy in your life, but it could also be a financial warning. Be careful with your finances and the people around you.

See a red snake in your dreams

A red snake means intense passion, possibly sexual passion. It can also be a warning of potential danger. If you see a red snake, examine your waking life and see if there is anything your dream is alerting you to.

Dreaming about a snake in your house or in your bed 🏡

If you dream about a snake in your house, you should first think about what your house could represent. It could literally mean your house, but it can also symbolize your family, your responsibilities, your finances, or the most private parts of your mind. Dreaming about a snake in your house could mean one of the following things:

  • You have a problem in your family. You may have a fight with one of your children, or suspect that your partner is being unfaithful.
  • If you don't live with your family, the snake can represent your bad feelings towards a roommate or landlord.
  • You are having financial problems.
  • You are trying to move or are unhappy in your current home.

Dreaming that a snake is chasing you

When you dream of being chased by a snake, you are likely to feel fear and panic. It means that there is something or someone in your waking life that you are trying to avoid or escape from. These feelings can be caused because:

  • You are avoiding an unpleasant situation and your unconscious mind waits to face it. Maybe you've been avoiding a task at work, a necessary medical procedure, or something else you need to do.
  • You want to say what you think, but you restrain yourself so as not to hurt anyone. For example, you have wanted to break up with your romantic partner and you are worried about his or her reaction.
  • You are stuck in a situation with very few options and has to make difficult decisions. In other words, you feel trapped.

A snake eating its tail is a symbol of eternity.

Dream about dead snakes

Dreaming about dead snakes are positive in dreams. Seeing a dead snake symbolizes the end of deception, temptation or fear. It signals that there will be change or new beginnings.

Think about what the snake represents in your waking life. Seeing a dead snake means that everything that snake represents in real life will come to an end. If you kill the snake, then you are overcoming or defeating a problem that the snake represents.

Kill snakes in your dreams

A dream about killing snakes in a positive dream. It means you can overcome your fears, overcome challenges, and move forward on a smoother, less challenging path.

If you feel satisfaction after killing the snake, then there is something in your life that you need to overcome to feel satisfied.

If you feel guiltythen maybe there is a dilemma you want to get rid of that, it is not that easy to solve. Killing a snake in your dream represents a struggle in your life that you must face.

yellow snakes

A yellow snake represents your inner light: your intuition, wisdom and intellectual abilities.

Dreaming about a yellow snake means that your intuition is trying to guide you toward an answer to something. If there is a problem in your life, listen to your gut.

Dreaming about snakes during pregnancy

Seeing a snake in your dreams while you are pregnant is a sign of good luck.

It means you will have a healthy pregnancy. The color of the snake could also represent several different meanings:

  • If you see a black snake while you are pregnant it means that your baby will be a boy.
  • A white snake means you are carrying a girl.
  • A red snake means luck, or that someone close to you is getting engaged or getting married.
  • A green snake represents health and fertility.

Venomous snake

Many dream interpreters believe that the snake represents man due to its phallic characteristics.

Seeing a poisonous snake is a warning sign that there may be a dangerous man in your life, or that you are the dangerous man.

Dreaming about a poisonous snake is a sign that you should be careful with toxic male behavior or checking your own behavior.

Dreaming about multiple snakes

If you see many snakes in your dream, then it is a symbol of abundance.

Within you there is an overflowing source of energy that you have not taken advantage of. This can be sexual energy or wisdom. If you feel scared by snakes, then the dream is a sign that something in your waking life is overwhelming you.

two headed snake

Dreaming about a two-headed snake represents repressed fears and complications in the dreamer's life.

Seeing a two-headed snake means that you are being pulled in two different directions or that your actions are counterproductive.

This is a sign that you must reexamine your problems and make stronger, more confident decisions to move forward.