Signs Compatible with Pisces | Lovers Tarot

Pisces is one of the most profound and sensitive signs of the zodiac and many people consider it also the most difficult to understand.

Pisces at their best is creative, intuitive and compassionate, making those born under that sign ideal for careers in the creative arts or healing professions.

Pisces natives tend to be natural observers, preferring comfortable seats on the sidelines rather than front-and-center positions in the spotlight more often than not.

Pisceans also tend to be introspective, quiet, vulnerable and very shy, often turning inward and needing time to themselves when life gets difficult, and sometimes completely burying their heads in the sand in the hope that their problems will simply disappear if ignored.

They have a great tendency to be spacey, scattered and forgetful, so they must be careful to stay on top of things. However, Pisces can also be one of the most charming and pleasant signs.

When it comes to love astrology, Pisces is best paired with a companion water sign or alternatively, a stabilizing earth sign.

Signs most compatible with Pisces ♓️

Pisces and Scorpio:

Scorpio and Pisces will probably feel a strong attraction for each other from the first moment. In fact, it's not uncommon for Scorpio-Pisces couples to say they fall in love at first sight. Scorpio will want to be the leader in the relationship and Pisces loves to be protected and cared for, so they are more than happy to hand over the reins. Both people have deep feelings and emotions, as well as a mutual interest in the hidden, the unknown and the unusual.

Pisces and Cancer:

Both sensitive and compassionate signs, Cancer and Pisces make an astrology love match based on solid common ground. Pisces will indulge Cancer's tendency to be protective and the Pisces dream will bring a much-needed sense of romance to Cancer's life. They are both imaginative, but in different ways.

Pisces is better at presenting ideas, while Cancer excels at putting them into practice. This makes for a harmonious couple that can easily lead to a happy marriage.

Pisces and Capricorn:

These are as different as night and day, but the differences are of the variety that tend to complement each other perfectly. Capricorn is practical and grounded and helps provide much-needed guidance and direction to dreamy, scatterbrained Pisces.

Pisces' limitless imagination adds a charming element of fantasy and playfulness to Capricorn's existence. Pisces will be happy and grateful for Capricorn's ability to take charge, not only in the relationship, but also in the bedroom. This union has excellent potential to become a truly charming and successful relationship.

Signs least compatible with Pisces ♓️

Pisces and Libra:

Pisces and Libra are two signs that probably feel a strong attraction to each other at first, but sooner or later, their critical differences will start to cause problems.

Pisces' tendency to be overly sensitive or even moody can really bother Libra and be the cause of many arguments. Libra's need to be social can also clash with Pisces' need to be solitary and private. Both are signs that have a predisposition to stray, so infidelity can also be a problem.

Pisces and Gemini:

Gemini's happy-go-lucky approach to the relationship will generate a lot of hurt feelings on Pisces's part, while Pisces' excessive sensitivity will begin to severely aggravate freedom-loving Gemini sooner or later.

There is a very high risk of infidelity on both sides, as both Pisces and Gemini are prone to a wandering eye if things are not going well enough in their relationship to suit them.

Although there is most likely an element of attraction between the two, this is not an astrology love match created to stand the test of time.

Pisces and Sagittarius:

A sensitive and emotional Pisces requires a lot of devotion, romance, and tender loving care to feel satisfied within a relationship. Independent, freedom-loving Sagittarius will not be able to provide this, and in fact fears losing his identity in the midst of such a union.

Sagittarius's notorious lack of tact and delicacy will undoubtedly cause a lot of damage to Pisces sooner or later. They are also as socially incompatible as two people can be.

Sagittarius will find Pisces' shyness and reserve annoying, while Pisces simply will not be able to tolerate Sagittarius' great love of gatherings, preferring privacy and isolation.

Wild cards for Pisces

Pisces and Pisces:

When it comes to two matches, a Pisces – Pisces matchup is generally one of the most successful possibilities. Each partner can provide the other with the emotional satisfaction they need and they will spend many happy, romantic hours together dreaming and indulging their imaginations. However there will be little or no ground influence in this union and this couple may find that they have a lot of trouble handling practical matters and staying in touch with reality.

Pisces and Virgo:

On the one hand, Virgo can provide the kind of stabilizing and practical influence for Pisces that most Pisces need. Pisces can bring a much-needed whimsical twist to the relationship that will remind Virgo to relax from time to time.

However, there could be problems in the bedroom, as Pisces is looking for a level of romance and passion that many Virgos cannot offer. Virgo must also be careful that they do not become too practical in their outlook, lest they bore their Pisces partner.