How to clean our aura with salt and vinegar


1 year ago · Updated 1 year ago

Hello everyone! Today I bring you a fascinating and useful topic: how to cleanse our aura using two simple but powerful ingredients, salt and vinegar. Whether you are feeling heavy energy, experiencing an emotional block, or simply looking for some renewal, this aura cleansing ritual can be an incredibly beneficial tool. But before we dive into the «how,» let's explore the «why» behind these magical ingredients and share a couple of stories that illustrate their effectiveness.

Why are salt and vinegar so powerful?

Salt and vinegar have a long history of use in various spiritual and mystical traditions due to their purifying and protective properties. The saltin particular, is known for its ability to absorb and neutralize negative energy. It is said to create a protective field around our physical and energetic space, allowing us to rid ourselves of unwanted vibrations.

He vinegaron the other hand, is famous for its cleansing and purifying power. Vinegar is said to dissolve and break down negativity, helping to remove energy blockages and restore balance to our auric field.

Together, these two ingredients create a powerful cleansing elixir that can help us cleanse and protect our aura.

Story 1: The case of Sofia

Let me share with you the story of Sofia, a dear friend. Sofia had been going through a series of disappointing experiences and emotional challenges. She felt exhausted, blocked and loaded with negative energy. Despite her efforts to stay positive, she felt like she was trapped in a cycle of negativity.

I suggested she try this salt and vinegar aura cleansing ritual. After a couple of days of practicing it, Sofia noticed a noticeable difference. She felt lighter, calmer and more centered. The salt and vinegar had worked their magichelping her release negative energy and restore her balance.

How to clean our aura with salt and vinegar: step by step

Now that we understand why salt and vinegar are so powerful and have heard a story that illustrates their effectiveness, let's look at how we can use these two ingredients to cleanse our aura.


  • 1 cup sea salt
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar (or whatever vinegar you have on hand)
  • a large bowl
  • A container with a lid (to store the mixture)


  1. In a large bowl, mix the salt and vinegar. As you combine them, visualize the negative energy being absorbed and neutralized.
  2. Once the mixture is well combined, store it in a container with a lid.
  3. When you feel charged with negative energy, take a little of this mixture and rub it on your body during the shower, visualizing the negativity coming off your aura.
  4. Rinse your body completely, visualizing the negative energy going down the drain.
  5. Repeat this ritual when you feel the need for an energetic cleansing.

Story 2: Martha's Journey

The second story I want to share is that of Marta, a reader of our blog. Marta felt constantly surrounded by negative energy in her workplace. Despite her love for her job, the vibes from her colleagues were getting to her.

I suggested she try the salt and vinegar aura cleansing ritual. He followed the instructions and began practicing the ritual after each day of work. In a short time, Marta began to notice a change. She no longer felt as affected by the energy of her colleagues and noticed an improvement in her own mood and general well-being. The salt and vinegar had transformed its energy againallowing you to protect yourself and maintain your balance despite the challenging environment.

Tips and precautions

Finally, although this salt and vinegar cleansing ritual is generally safe and beneficial, there are some considerations you should keep in mind:

  • Do not use this method if you have very sensitive skin or any wounds, as salt and vinegar can irritate the skin.
  • Be sure to rinse your body thoroughly after rubbing the salt and vinegar mixture to avoid any possible irritation.
  • Remember that this cleansing ritual is just a tool. It is important to complement these types of practices with other positive activities such as meditation, exercise and healthy eating.

Our aura is a reflection of our vital energy and keeping it clean and balanced is essential for our general well-being. Salt and vinegar are two powerful ingredients that can help us in this process. Through Sofía and Marta's story, we have seen how this simple cleansing ritual can have a significant impact on our energy and well-being.

I hope this article has inspired you to try this salt and vinegar aura cleansing ritual. Remember, we are all energetic beings and taking care of our energy is as important as taking care of our physical body. So, give this ritual a try and see how it transforms your energy!

As always, I'd love to hear your experiences and comments. Until next time, beautiful ones!