The seven types of magic

Do you often hear about black magic or white magic? Does confusion creep into your mind? Luckily you came across this article. It's about time you had a clarification on this topic. To start, know that magic has no colors.


There is various types of magic . Who wouldn't get lost, between red, green, blue, pink, solar magic…?

There are those who will tell you that indeed, magic has no color. In fact, the colors indicate the intentions of the magicians, as well as the tools at their disposal. These colors categorize the magician and not a labeled type of magic.

This classification is established from his way of proceeding .

In other words, we mean that a magician who wants to produce good will come from white magic.

On the other hand, a magician who wants to spread misfortune on others will practice black magic.

What you have to remember is that both can be done with the same ritual. It's the intentions that count .


To make it easier to understand, we will stay in two main categories of magic: the good and the evil . “White magic” is often divided into two varieties:

  • Green magic that is simply the magic of nature. It is a practice using what nature offers us.
  • He red which is the «magic of sex», encompasses a set of practices to optimize sexual performance and make your partners fall in love. Red magic encompasses everything that revolves around sexuality and feelings of attraction.
  • The pink It is a subset of red magic, without the «sexual side». This type of magic only affects feelings.
  • The blue is the magic of the water.
  • AND solar magic which is, as the sound suggests, solar magic.

Generally, these last two categories do not include rituals as a whole.


As stated in some places, white magic focuses on doing good and doing positive things, respecting others. You should know that this magic is used to make wishes come true create generous energies and help people recover.

In white magic you attach great importance to the magical correspondences of the elements . In particular, we can point out:

  • the phases of the moon,
  • The days of the week,
  • The numbers,
  • The colors,
  • The candles,
  • herbs,
  • Or the stones.

Furthermore, this type of magic is based on the principle of «live and let live» . white magic aims to do good without influencing the destiny of others, and always trusting in the Universe. Basically, you have to know that it is a job on yourself .

Specifically, it is the magic to use if you want, for example, the healing from someone You do it for their own good. Then you will follow a ritual to help him overcome his physical or psychological problem. On the other hand, it may be that the person being helped is not prepared.

It will then try influence your destiny. This is the reason why, in white magic, you will prefer to work on yourself first and foremost.

Rather than asking to win over a person or get a job, you will have What to ask the Universe what is best for you, because he knows better than you what you need.


Unlike white magic, this is used for the purpose of harm another person. Black magic is also used to negatively influence others.

Dark wizards are fatal as they use magic to poison, cast negative spells, charm to harm. For this they invoke divinities diabolical or malevolent, low astral souls or even low level powers.

Know that this magic is punishable by law. Although its practice is difficult to prove, because it uses energetic acts, a ritual that invoke black powers and negative acts that impact the well-being of others, can lead its practitioner to be condemned by justice.

Furthermore, black magic is mainly practiced to cause harm. Rituals aim to exercise power over others or influence events to get what you want against your will.

This type of magic encompasses sorcery, hauntings and the spells. It is very risky for mental health. In fact, it is not uncommon for anyone who practices this magic to lose control and suffer the consequences.


Like black magic, you should also know that this red magic is used to harm others and to force someone to do an act that he would not do of his own free will. Unlike the black one, this one brings the sorcerer to his client the benefit of acts that may be in the sexual domain, love, money or power.

Red magic is about sex magic . To tell the truth, it is linked to love and sexual rituals. Specifically, it uses the energy generated at the moment of orgasm to direct it towards the object of our desires. This practice is done in agreement with your partner.

Also, this type of magic is quite controversial, because some people consider it good, while others do not. Red magic is sometimes used in an effort to win back the former lover . This may raise doubts about the purity of the intentions behind such rituals.


Pink magic is simply the magic of love and communication between lovers . In other words, it is a magic that you can use wisely, as long as you do not force the other to be in love. In this case, you are no longer talking about pink magic, but red magic.

Pink magic aims strengthen love in a couple. This type of magic also allows a couple to become fertile, have a more intense sexual relationship, defend their partner from external aggression, and establish a romantic and loving atmosphere at home. The practice of this magic can be very beautiful for two.

There, pink magic is a derived from white magic . As a result, it includes rituals related to friendship, love and romance, without having to influence the fate of others.

These are not love spells, spells or other additions to traditional dogma. You can use this type of magic to settle differences in a couple or to optimize romance or a warm atmosphere in a group or in a house.

In other words, it is magic related to communication and feelings . You should also know that this ritual is ideal with the agreement of others, because it often involves more than one person.


As its name suggests, green magic is natural magic that which involves the elements of Nature. Let's dare to talk about the magic of the elements.

This magic is vegetable . In fact, it is used to push better or push faster. In addition, it is useful for animals, whether domestic or wild.

You can use it to protect your animals from helps healing or to whom the veterinarian has given adequate care. Green magic then has the ability to enhance or accelerate healing and, in the case of miracles, can even lead to healing even if it seems unlikely.

As you may have understood, green magic is a derivative of white magic which focuses on rituals that focus on elements of nature, such as weather, rocks, trees, forests, and grasses. . Could be elven magic and magic of fairies but also druidism and shamanism.


This is not a true magic range of colors. It is rather the name that can be given to white magic when its objective is to protect the house, prevent bad luck, protect children. It is the branch of witchcraft dedicated to hydromancy. Soothing and vitalizing, water is a source of life and positive energy. Blue magic is mainly based on the use of the powers of water to heal, protect, exorcise and create talismans to fight evils. However, usually combined with other magical practices, this purification magic has a multitude of uses for Wiccan practitioners.


Surely you have guessed that «black magic» brings together all witchcraft. These rites consist of doing evil for the good or the personal pleasure of the sorcerer.

In black magic there are no great varieties in terms of beneficial magic. The magician is more realistic and direct. In fact, you use the tools at your disposal to achieve your goals as quickly as possible. These different practices They can be grouped by affinity or geographical origin.


It is a evil magic that calls the demons. Indeed, followers of goetia invoke demons in their rituals to obtain what they want, always practicing black magic.


Necromancy uses corpses . It is a very ancient practice used to make divination. This evil magic consists of interrogate the dead and using corpses to obtain information. You could say it's macabre.


They come mainly from Yoruba people from West Africa. These magics have developed differently depending on the islands or geographic areas, including:

  • Voodoo in Haiti,
  • Santería and Palo in Cuba,
  • Macumba and Candomblé in Brazil,
  • Obeah in the British-occupied islands,
  • Quimbois in the French Antilles.


These are magic related to the devil . Followers of Satanism celebrate the fallen angel Satan, also called Lucifer or Beelzebub. These practitioners use black magic to achieve their goals, that is, magic known to do evil and which can lead to serious abuse. The thirst for power can cause serious mental health problems.

Furthermore, we can also cite evil magic as:

  • Enochian practices.
  • The black masses
  • sacrificial rituals

Surely you have understood that there are, strictly speaking, several types of magic. All of these practices can use white magic techniques, but to hurt .

Magic brings together various tools to manipulate the energies of the universe. The tools are there, available.

It's up to you to use it for good or bad depending on your intentions . You have to know them well and know how to use them.

It's up to you to choose the tools that best fit the situation. Then you can do whatever you want. You can use a hammer to break glass or the same hammer to build furniture.



This magic is not associated with good or evil. Rest above all in a laudable intention but it always remains an attempt that consists of influencing the destiny of others, without having obtained their permission.


Wicca is a magic practice created by Gerald Brosseau Gardner British esoteric writer, died in 1964. It is a religious movement based on ancient pagan religions.

Followers will work with gods and goddesses, such as Hecate, goddess…