【 3 Powerful Combinations 】 Major Arcana

Have you ever combined two cards and thought, Wow! Do these two letters have a powerful message?

Take for example, the Lovers and the Devil. Both have a naked man and a woman, but the governing body that resides above them is completely different – an archangel against the devil. What does this tell us about these letters?

EITHER The Hermit and the Page of Wandswhere they are both on a spiritual journey, but their experience is completely different.

When you begin to find powerful combinations that are inextricably linked, you discover a whole new layer of Tarot cards that you can bring into your Tarot readings for even deeper insight. And ultimately a notable improvement as a tarot reader.

Let's share 3 combinations of Tarot cards So that you can pay attention in your tarot readings, we are going to encourage you to continue exploring the tarot to find even more powerful pairings.

1. Powerful combination between lovers and the devil

Take a look at lovers and the devil of the tarot and you'll notice some distinct similarities right away.

For example, the two cards show a naked man and a woman, but in the devilthey are chained and their movement is restricted, while in lovers, they are free to make their own decisions.

In both letters, there is an entity that hovers over the man and the woman. In the devilis the same devil who seems to be exercising his control over the couple. And in lovers, it is the archangel Raphael – the god who heals. Raphael is also known as the enemy of the devil, which makes him a very powerful contrast to this two card.

Finally look at the background. The devil It is one of darkness, while lovers is one of light. When we shine the light of consciousness into our lives, there can only be light and pure love, which is the essence of lovers.

The combination of lovers and the devil They reflect the contrasts we experience in our own lives. Lust against love. Control against freedom. Immediate satisfaction versus long-term, sustainable options. The choice of darkness versus the choice of light.

We are here to love – to give love, to receive love, to make love. We are guided by a deep love for the universe, but we must also be careful that this love does not turn into desire or lust.

We are deeply passionate and can direct that passion for the good of society by soliciting its highest morals and values ​​from its decision making. We dance the fine line between freedom and its limits and make better decisions when we act from a place of inner truth and universal love.

2. Powerful combination between the Priestess and the High Priest

The priestess offers a deep connection to intuition and creates space for personal vision to flow. In many people (especially Tarot readers). I love the Priestess but hate the high priest.

The High Priest, on the other hand, is known to be rigid in his thoughts and dogmatic in his spiritual teachings.

So when we see these two cards together in a reading, it can feel like a contradictory message.

If we take a deeper look into the meaning of the High Priestess and High Priest, a richer layer begins to emerge.

The Combination of the High Priestess and the High Priest They reflect that we seek our answers from within and without. We can dive deep into our subconscious mind and our intuition for self-guidance, but at the same time, we can learn from our spiritual guides and teachers and tap into the spiritual knowledge that has been accumulated over the many centuries.

We nourish our soul by connecting internally and externally at the same time. Both paths lead us to greater knowledge about who we are and how we fit into this world.

3. Powerful combination between Force and Chariot

This powerful ultimate combination is the force the car more. What I like about these two cards combined is that they represent the duality between inner and outer power.

The beautiful woman in the letter the force maintains a level of power and control over the lion. She doesn't have to use a chain or an open method of control. Simply lull the lion into a nice peaceful place by stroking its jaw. She draws her power from within, creating a subtle effect of control without being overbearing.

This contrasts with the car. The «warrior» is at the helm, directing the chariot in the direction he wants. Even with the sphinxes pulling in opposite directions, use their power to press forward with clear, focused determination. This card is therefore about overt power, strength and control, compared to the subtle control of the strength card.

When the force and the cart are combined in one readingpay attention to how power and strength are being expressed. There will no doubt be a balance between inner and outer strength, often with positive consequences. When we become aware of contrasting styles, we can integrate them in a way that is very constructive.

Discover your own powerful combinations

While these 3 Tarot combinations are incredibly powerfulwe've barely scratched the surface. In fact there are over 3,000 possible Tarot pairings in a 78-card deck!

I encourage you to explore a little for yourself. Look through the Tarot and find your own powerful combinations. Be sure to share your ideas and views below in the comments section.