Gifts of love and friendship to make everyone happy

if you don’t know what love and friendship gifts buy, either for your boyfriend or a friend, here we give you some ideas with which you will look great.

Although all over the world romantic love is celebrated on February 13, it is not like that in our country. There are some curious facts about Valentine’s Day that will surprise you, such as, for example, that it is not a business date, but a religious one. However, in Colombia we celebrate love in September and it does have to do with trade.

Why is the Day of Love and Friendship celebrated in Colombia?

In 1969 Fenalco (the National Federation of Colombian Merchants) decided to modify the date of Valentine’s Day because in February we are in the middle of the school season and September did not have any celebrations.

love and friendship gifts for men

Forget wallets and pens with only the appearance of fine, with these gifts that we recommend, especially designed for them, you will knock her out of the stadium!

  • Drink: Few men will feel disappointed if they are given a good bottle of their favorite liquor or, failing that, some fermented one. Of course, find out first what brand he likes and how he takes it.
  • Sports accessories: If he practices a sport, you can give him an implement or garment that is useful to him; and if not, you can also give him something allusive to the team he is a fan of. but hey, original.
  • Clothing: Believe it or not, men today are more and more vain and pay attention to their clothes almost as much as we do, that’s why you’ll make him very happy if you give him a t-shirt printed with the image of his favorite musical group.

Love and friendship gifts for my boyfriend

Your boy has his little heart, so you can not think about the material and give him songs to dedicate in love and friendshipWhat Arefrom Cafe Tacuba, or When I see you, Chocquibtownor opt for one of the following details:

  • Surprise breakfast: They say that a full belly, a happy heart, that’s why a loaded breakfast can be a very pleasant surprise, but not that you prepare it, but that it arrives at home.
  • Sweets and chocolates: We know that it seems very feminine, but no! They also love sweets. We recommend giving him one of those boxes that come ready to eat and with all the toys. Will love you!
  • Romantic night in a hotel: They also like to feel loved, even if they don’t show it, that’s why this gift will touch their hearts. Try it, and you will see.

What to give love and friendship to a woman?

We girls love this date because it is when we play secret friend and they sweeten us in the office every day, however, we can get bored if they only give us a bonus from a store at the end of the game, since there are so many alternatives, like these…

  • Fragrance: We love to smell good, and for that we will appreciate a bottle of our favorite perfume, even if it is small. And if it is not possible to get it, one that we like is fine.
  • A good wine: Yes ma’am, just as you read it, if for them the drink is one of the dream gifts, for us it is the wine; we just have to find out if we like it dry, sweet, pink, etc.
  • Spa kit at home: These kits are repractical and bring everything to pamper yourself without leaving your home; The best thing is that they come packed in decorative baskets that you can reuse later.

Gifts of love and friendship for friends

  • A good book: Find out what he likes to read, and give him one of the best gifts we can receive, an unforgettable story!
  • Spa day: This is a plan to do with one or more friends on this special date; Arm your combo and spend an unforgettable time while you advance notebook with your accomplices.
  • Cocktails night: Sometimes, the best gift is not material, but an experience, and what better than arranging a reunion with the group of the U or the office around some good cocktails?

Ideas for simple and unisex love and friendship gifts

If your secret friend is really secret and the gift will be a surprise for both him and you, we recommend some generic gifts that everyone can like.

  • Table games: From Uno to Jenga to every board game you can imagine, this gift will please anyone.
  • A carnivorous plant: This exotic living being is not only a curiosity and a rarity, but it will also be useful to counteract the bugs in the house.
  • Kitchen utensils with design: For example, a different kind of pizza cutter, which will occupy a special place in anyone’s house.

What do you like to get on this date? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!

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