Apple Spell to Come Back and Love You

Hello dear wizards and sorceresses! ⭐️ After your requests, today I bring you the authentic and powerful Spell of the Red Apple so that it Comes Back and Loves You and that, in addition, works perfectly like the rest of the spells on my Blog.

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me and are regular readers of my personal blog and you already know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day. If this is your first time reading welcome, and enjoy the content. If you want to contact me, or know a little more about me, I leave you here my story and how the stars chose me: About me 👧

My friend Marta told me after doing it (after 9 days) the following:

Hello, Luz. I asked you to come back and he is not only back, but he is more in love than ever, he truly loves me. His gaze speaks to my heart. You have returned it to me, thank you!!!

Thank you my dear friend Marta for allowing me to share your comment with all my readers!


But it is not only she who has benefited from this powerful love spell.

There are many people who have been able to verify how effective this white magic ritual is that will truly return your loved one.

Knowing the POWERFUL Apple Spell to Love You (and come back) 🍎

This spell is a combination of magical arts that has been known for many years.

It is said that the first time its existence was known was in the ancient secret book of the queen and sorceress Matilda Ceres.

They say that the great queen Matilda was able to control the elemental forces of our world to bring about the changes she wanted.

In addition, he always dedicated his gift to helping the needy, relieving the weary and sheltering the helpless.

However, life played a horrible betrayal on him.

Her husband and life partner, Teófilo Brahms, with whom they had been with for more than 20 years, suffered the effect of a terrible black magic mooring that made him separate from the great sorceress.

Thus, without giving him any explanation, becoming bitter and colder than ice, he ended up disappearing from his side, leaving a void that nothing and no one could mend.

The ancient sorcery treatises tell that it was at that moment when Matilda locked herself in her arcane workshop and, after speaking and consulting with spirits, combining elemental forces and reading a multitude of sorcery and witchcraft treatises, she got what she wanted:

THE effective, powerful and authentic SPELL for Teófilo to come back and love him again 💕!

And of course it was, that damn dark arts sorceress who tied him up a little and NOTHING could stand up to the enormous power of Matilda Ceres’s Apple Spell (For Me to Come Back and Love You) ⭐️.

Since then many people have been able to benefit from its very powerful conjuration.

With ingredients within our reach, such as apples, cinnamon and honey.

And today YOU are reading this, here and now, to bring it back into your life.

As Matilda already did with Teófilo.

His powerful conjuration has been passing from mothers to daughters, from grandmothers to granddaughters, for years and years… Until reaching your screen as if by magic.

Feel special! Let’s start the powerful Apple Spell NOW to make him Love you!

📝 IMPORTANT NOTE: I would like to ask you to make sure you have a pen and paper to take notes before continuing reading → This spell will make him come back and love you like NEVER.

Characteristics of the Apple Spell to make him come back, come back and love you.

Spell Theme: Spell – Love.

Effectiveness: Very High.

Difficulty: Medium.

Spell Type: Spell to Come Back and Love Me (fast, urgent and powerful).

Next, I detail the list with the ingredients and elements that you will need to successfully perform this powerful spell of the Apple.

Apple Spell Ingredients to make her come back and love me FOREVER

  • A red apple with which you feel a special positive energy.
  • A little bit of honey.
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon (powdered).
  • A photo of the person you want to return (husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, etc.) It does not need to be full body, just the face will suffice.
  • A red candle.
  • A dish.

As you can see, they are simple ingredients that you can find easily and they have a very interesting point: all of them, together, will help you come back and love you forever.

Simple ingredients, at your fingertips, for the BEST Apple Spell to make him come back, love you (IT WORKS!)

You deserve no less! Let’s find happiness together! 🍀 Shall we start?

Important things when performing the Apple Spell

  • This spell will be even more effective if performed on a full moon or waxing moon.
  • As it is a white magic and request spell, the best time to perform it will be on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
  • You need a photo of the person you want to come back and truly love you. Remember that you can use social networks to obtain it easily.
  • Make sure that while performing the ritual you are in a quiet and calm environment. Zero distractions.
  • One last magical advice for your spell: if you need to repeat it, either to increase the spell’s energy or because it has not been 100% effective, at least 30 days (a calendar month) must have elapsed since the previous spell.
  • This ritual can be used, in the same way, to bring into your life both the desired man and woman.

Step by step: Performing the Spell of the Apple so that it LOVES you and Returns to your side

  1. First, we will light the red candle and place in front of us the necessary ingredients to perform the ritual.
  2. Now, with the right hand, we will place it on top of the Red Apple and pronounce the following sentence (remember to copy it on a SHEET NOW so as not to lose it):
By the power of the 7 Archangels,
In the name of the Almighty,
I invoke you, O Great Queen Matilda Ceres,
For your sorcerous power to intercede in this Spell,
May your magic be transferred from your world to this one,

Requesting permission, my Queen, to perform your rite at this moment, place and time,

So that the fruit that I offer you here I (My Name and Surnames)
Return me to (Name and Surname of the desired person) directly into my life.
Thanking you for your presence, begging your help, I implore your mercy.
That the elements that form this spell earth-sky, body-spirit,
Let us walk forever united.
Thank you for your generous help mighty Queen Matilda Ceres,
So be it,
So be it,
So be it,

  1. Once the request is made, and while the candle is burning, we will place the photo of the person we want to return to our lives in the center of the plate.
  2. On top of the photo we will put the Red Apple, which will be charged with all the energy of the ritual
  3. Now we will make the offering of the ingredients to the great Sorceress Matilda Ceres.
  4. Spread the ground cinnamon around the photograph and the apple, making three circles that should be counterclockwise.
  5. Now spread the honey with the help of a spoon or other utensil, again making three circles above the cinnamon but, this time, in the same clockwise direction.
  6. Once the ingredients are spread, we will deposit ON the apple 5 drops of the candle wax that is lit. To do this, and with great care, we will deposit the drops one by one, and while they fall we will pronounce MA-TIL-DA-CE-RES.
  7. To finish the powerful ritual of the red apple so that it comes back and loves you, we will let the ENTIRE candle burn (it must be near the plate with the ingredients) and right after burning we will throw away all the ingredients that we have used except the apple .
  8. The apple, a fundamental part of the spell, must be buried in a place with plenty of sand. It can be an orchard, a field, a garden, a mountain or even a beach.
  9. Once the apple is buried (it does not have to be a big hole or very deep), you will walk away from the place with your right foot and without looking back as you walk away.

Don’t forget to WRITE EVERYTHING down: You’re about to bring it back from where it should never have gone.

We have seen today a powerful white magic spell. Thus, you make sure that all the effects will be positive and you will not cause evil in any way.

And I say this because I must explain that in many places I have found moorings, which promise to be powerful, so that the loved one returns or looks for you. They briefly explain the spell. And that’s it.

But they do not tell the most important thing, they are usually works of black magic, in which spirits of the lower astral plane and even the evil one intervene.

So please don’t gamble. Do not cause changes in your life that can have long-term consequences.

Use WHITE magic and only trust those who have been, like me, for 4 years spreading happiness and the best spells and magical advice.

🍎 NOTICE: If you need a different spell, remember that you can also consult and perform any of the following FREE, homemade and powerful magical actions from my Blog www. by clicking HERE

To finish, I would like to ask you not to stay with ANY doubts, so that this powerful and effective Spell of the Apple to make him love you and come back can bring your loved one into your life.

Just as the great queen Matilda Ceres did. Your Love is closer TODAY than EVER.

So, do not forget to subscribe to my personal Facebook and NOT miss any spell. You can do it NOW by pressing the following button:

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And in the same way, leave your comment on the Blog telling your progress, doubts or results 📚