Spell To Sell A House Quickly

Hello my dear reader! ⭐️This week I want to tell you exclusively about a simple white magic spell to sell a house, property or flat quickly, urgently and very effectively.

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me and are regular readers of my personal blog and you already know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day. If this is your first time reading Spell.net. welcome, and enjoy the content. If you want to contact me, or know a little more about me, I leave you here my story and how the stars chose me: About me 👧

Many of my friends and readers have been asking me by mail to upload this ritual to sell a house for a long time.

And today, after finishing the writing and searching my esoteric treatises, I bring you the BEST spell to sell a flat or property almost immediately 🏠.

Also, I must tell you something that will make you see the EFFECTIVENESS of this spell:

TODAY, it is being used in many real estate agencies and by people who are dedicated to the purchase and sale of real estate.

That is, this spell is not just any spell.

While you read it, respect it and feel the power of the same divinity in its words.

This spell has managed to sell hundreds of thousands of houses all over the world.

And the next one will be your house.

There is no excuse, therefore, for you to START this ritual today and finally sell your house.


VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This Spell to sell your house requires that you GO in person, that is, physically to the house or property that is for sale and that you want to sell…

However, due to the multitude of requests that you have made me, I also include the way to sell a house remotely with this same Spell. Just keep reading 📚

It no longer matters whether or not you can go to your property.

You are going to sell it!

And, in addition, as always, it is a type of white magic spell, of light and clarity, that will not bring ANYTHING bad to your life and will allow you to finally sell that property that is in a state of stagnation and you can’t sell.

How to sell your house fast with a spell

If you have already used the conventional ways to try to sell your house and it has not worked, it is time for you to cast this powerful white magic spell to sell your house quickly.

However, before I begin to explain this powerful ritual, I must warn you about something: as with any other magical work, the first step is to prepare the spell and learn key aspects to INCREASE the effectiveness of this white magic action to sell your House.

Tips for this Spell to Sell a House Soon (Urgent and Simple) to work perfectly

The following tips may seem simple to you… you may even think you are already doing it.

However, my experience tells me that it is important that you read them carefully, write down what you feel you need to do and think that they are KEY ASPECTS to perform the magic to sell your house NOW with the greatest success.

NOTE: Below are key and essential aspects that will allow you to increase the effectiveness of this powerful spell to sell a house.

Don’t forget to copy it in a notebook and not miss a single detail.📝

1. All POSITIVE help that we have around us to sell our house will attract energies that will reinforce the spell. Above all, they must be light energies. Therefore, find a real estate agent that gives you confidence and publish your ad on the largest number of websites, newspapers and magazines. It is usually always free and will be a much-needed first step👍

two. Do not forget social relationships, you can talk to your friends and loved ones about the sale of your apartment. However, make sure you tell people who love you and are not envious, as they can jinx, or fill with negative energy, the sale of the house or property 👫

3. Remember the importance of the signs, you can put a sign outside your home of the type «For sale». In a visible place and with your telephone number clearly added on the same poster. In addition, you can add an original message, such as: «ATTENTION» or «This PROPERTY is for you» ⚠️

Four. Clean your house, flat or property from top to bottom. Sort the objects that are out of place and catalog all your belongings. Get rid of unnecessary things and emotional objects that do not bring you anything now. All those old things that you don’t want to throw away (objects from past relationships, old papers and notes that you don’t need anymore, clothes that you don’t wear…) are simply holding you back in your process of evolving and, consequently, slowing down the strength of the spell for sale of a house 💰

Once you have reviewed these tips you will be, without a doubt, closer to achieving the highest success in this powerful spell to sell your house quickly, urgently and easily.

Ingredients to perform the Spell to Sell a House, Apartment or Property SOON.

  • A normal-sized candle (it does not matter if it is not very large) in green, red or yellow (choose the color that produces the greatest connection and sympathy in you at this moment in your life).
  • Common (kitchen) salt or sea salt.
  • The keys to your house, home or property that you want to sell (this ingredient is ESSENTIAL to perform this sales spell).
  • A small plate, white, if possible without drawing.
  • 5 currencies of current use, no matter the value, they can be of great value or of low value. Just select 5 coins and those will be the coins you will use to perform the ritual. At the end of the ritual you must, and this is IMPORTANT, give a beggar or a person in need those coins.
  • Optional ingredient (ONLY if you cast the spell to sell a house remotely): a photograph of the house, dwelling, business, farm, flat or property that you wish to sell. It does not matter if it is from the entrance or from any of its rooms or spaces.

Ingredients needed to perform the Spell to Sell a House (or other property) quickly and easily 🙂

Characteristics of the Spell to sell a house fast

Spell Theme: Spell – Money – Home

Effectiveness: Very High.

Difficulty: Medium / Low.

Spell Type: Spell to Sell A House Quickly.

As you have seen, it is a simple white magic spell that will not take you long to perform, but it will allow you to sell, finally, and urgently, your flat, property, home or house.

So, let’s start explaining step by step.

Remember to write down all the steps in your notebook or magic notebook and do not forget that you can leave your comments, just below the article, explaining your progress, doubts or how quickly the sale of your house has taken place after performing this ritual to sell a house quickly (and urgently) 📋

Spell to Sell House Fast: Simple guide with step by step

1. Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and look for a day when you feel especially calm, at peace with yourself and feel that you have the power and the will to sell the home, house or property in question.

Next, you have a table with the characteristics that you must have on the day you choose to perform this spell to sell a house.

📆 Most suitable day to perform this ritual: day 5, 15 or 25 of any month of the year.

⏳ Time of day: it will be important that you start casting the spell while the sun is shining in the sky, it could be from 8 in the morning to 7 in the afternoon, for example. However, since you must wait for the candle to burn out completely, nothing happens if you finish the spell later or even the next day. The most important thing will be the START time.

🌙 Lunar phase: ideally, it will be done during a growing lunar phase or even on a day with a full moon.

🌠 Most suitable place to perform this spell: it will be important that you perform the ritual to sell a house in the same house, flat or property that you want to sell. And, if possible, in a place near the entrance. However, if you are going to perform the spell to sell a house remotely, you can do it in any other place, but you will MANDATORY need a photograph of the property that you will sell within a VERY LITTLE TIME.

✔️ If you need to repeat the spell to increase its effectiveness: remember to leave at least 30 days between a house sale ritual and another ritual. Experience tells me that just doing it once (or doing one of the reps) gives you the BEST results.

two. Once you are sure that you have chosen the correct day and meet the rest of the requirements, it is time to start. Thus, you can perform this spell to sell a house on the ground or on a piece of furniture or a desk. As you wish.

3. Begin by making a wide circle in front of you with the salt. As you spread the salt (she remembers to do it clockwise), she says out loud the following sentence to sell a house.

Remember that you can read it from your notepad, so I advise you to copy it RIGHT NOW or you could even recite it from memory:


I bless this white circle of light,

Make sales happen

May prosperity reach me,

May this/flat/house/land/property (choose what you want to sell) attract its buyer,

So be it,

So be it,

So be it,


Four. Once the circle of salt has been made, which plays an essential role in this ritual since it creates the magical work area, it will be time to light the green, red or yellow candle, depending on what you have chosen, INSIDE the circle of salt .

Remember that green is a traditional color for prosperity linked to spells. It symbolizes a green and fruitful harvest. For its part, the color yellow represents aspects of sales, historically linked to Mercury and related to economic and financial prosperity.

5. Now, it is time to place in front of you, and also within the circle of salt, the plate and place the keys of the house or property that you are going to sell on it.

6. NOTE: If you are performing the spell remotely, that is, if you will not perform the spell on the house you want to sell, you must also place the photo on the plate, right next to the keys. Remember that it does not necessarily have to be a photo, but it can be a copy or a print of a photo.

7. Once the previous steps have been carried out, it is time to use the 5 coins. To do this, and one by one, you are going to make a circle around the plate with them, thus closing a double circle of power. Then I leave you an image so that you understand, perfectly, how EVERYTHING should look like:

Spell to Sell a House Fast and effective

Now is a special time for you to feel how the ritual exerts its powerful effect ⭐️

You can, if you wish, close your eyes, relax, and take a few minutes to start breathing regularly and establish some concentration.

Visualize the house through the eyes of a stranger. In his mind, imagine yourself in…