Spell To Make Him Want Me Fast (Works)

Hello dear readers 👋! Today I come to teach you a spell to make the person we want want me, it is a spell that will really work on the person we want. With this spell we can recover an ex-partner, light the flame of a lost love, make another person feel attracted to us.

This spell belongs to the category of love spells that I have talked about several times here: My love spells.

I am excited to see you here again. You already know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day If this is the first time you read Spell.netwelcome, enjoy the wisdom and the power that I give for help you achieve your goalsin addition to this spell I leave you a bit of my personal history in case you want to meet me or contact me: About me 👧

👉In life we ​​go through situations which do us more or less harm, the most repeated are situations related to love. Love, kisses, affection, couples are what really moves the world, and it is the most beautiful and pleasant sensation that we can experience, but also the most painful.

When we suffer a breakup, a loss of love, or when love is unrequited, the sensation of pain can be as intense as the loss of a loved one. Although these stages are necessary for all people, grief over loss or unrequited love is quickly overcome.

👉 If you are here, it is because you are looking for someone to want you, it does not matter if it is an old love, a person from the past, or a person who never spoke to you, you desperately need this person to be with you and I have something to tell you, you are in the correct place. If what you want, if what you need is for another person to be your half, be your soulmate, I tell you again that congratulations, you have come to the right place.

Thanks to white magic, pure and true love can sprout, we can help the other person to open their way to realize their pure feelings towards you, many people do not know what they feel because they have a mess of feelings, or they are too negative energies and that is why I am here to help you with this Spell to Make You Desire Me.

Keep in mind that white magic love spells only work if our love is pure and true for the other person, and our faith in magic is impeccable. Love must be real, we must feel that pain, that lack in us for the spell to work, since a white magic spell will not force another person to be with you, so if you are sure that your feelings are pure and the other person may feel the same, but is confused or has bad energies blocking his way, do the spell to make him want you

Spell Characteristic to Make Him Desire Me

Difficulty: Medium
Repetition: Once every two months.
Power: High
Theme: Spell – Love

This spell for them to wish us is white magic, we can do it in our homes without any problem, and the materials that we will need are really easy to find.

Spells for love, unlike moorings, seek to drive away bad energies that can hinder that union and do not subject the other person to our will, or our desires, as happens in the love tiesFor example, him Mooring with Urine and Sugar it is very effective and well known in that world.

📆 Best day to perform this ritual: You can perform the spell to make him want me on any day of the week.

⏳ Time of day: the spell will be more powerful if we do it at night. And it is that, in the esoteric treatises themselves 📚 it is stated that the person will dream of you the same night you perform this spell, and the next morning he will look for you madly.

🌙 Lunar phase: the idea is that the energies of the moon help us to reach the person we want by our side and, I must tell you that during the full moon, it is much easier to achieve it.

🌠 Most suitable place to perform this spell: it will be important that you perform the love ritual so that he wants to be with you in your own room, near the bed. If you can’t do it there, you can also do it in a quiet room or room, where you won’t be interrupted.

It is recommended not to do this spell more than once every two months, but it can be done at the same time as other spells, such as the onion spell, if we are looking to get an ex back.

The difficulty is medium since a lot of concentration is required to do it, getting confused or evading what we are doing can make the spell not be performed correctly

Items needed to perform the spell

As I said before, the objects that we will need to perform this spell are easy to find objects, and that used correctly give the power to make a person want us madly.

🗣️ I remember you, that if you have any doubts or questions you can leave them in the comments and I will answer you personally. Or if you want to share your experience with this spell with the rest of the community users, you can also, and I will await your comments with great enthusiasm.

1 Eucalyptus leaves

2 red candles

A red cloth bag

1 Paper

1 black pen

A bowl and matches

1 Photograph of the person

After gathering the objects we can now make spell to make them wish us. If you have read before, it is advisable to do it at night and near our bed, so that it is more effective.

How to cast a spell to make him want me

Love spells are characterized by being heart spells, that is, they are spells that we have to do from the depths of our feelings and these must be in accordance with our faith in what we are doing.

It also comes into play that this love is pure and sincere and not the result of an obsession or lack of control in our feelings. A love spell will never force the other person to be with you, it will only clear her doubts about you, and eliminate everything that may be disturbing her and making her not emphasize her feelings towards you.

I leave you here my best spell, and the most outstanding of my web

To perform the spell correctly, you must do it in your room, where you rest or sleep, if it is not possible, it is okay to do it in another corner of the home, but it must be a quiet corner, where you can do the spell without any discomfort to around you.

1st Step: We will quietly enter the room, we will close the blinds leaving a soft shadow.

2nd Step: We will light the candles by placing them in front of us

3rd Step: We will pour the eucalyptus leaves into a small bowl

4th Step: We will write on the back of the photograph the full name of the person and their date of birth

5th Step: We will write on the white paper, our name and date of birth

6th Step: We will put everything in the bowl, and we will pin the photograph and the paper on the eucalyptus

7th Step: We will let everything be consumed, and we will store it in the cloth bag, which we will have to bury in our garden or in a pot.

8th Step: When the spell works, we can remove the bag with the ashes of the love spell from the pot or the garden.

After performing this spell, we must wait between 1 and 7 days to see results, after this time, we can perform ANOTHER spell, but this can only be done once a month. If you want to know why spells sometimes don’t work, you can read: Why spells don’t work for me

Recommendations on this spell

With this love spell to make them desire us quickly we can make a person notice us, or get another person back or rekindle the flame of love in a relationship, but we can never tie another person with a white magic spell.

If your feelings are pure, this spell will work. But be patient.


If you want to know more spells you can visit my spell index where I have a list with all my personal spells and spells made by me, with real testimonials: Spell book

You can also join my private Facebook group where we share experiences, spells and more, you can do it from here: Join Facebook group

I say goodbye to you and I hope to see you here again soon,

Luz Silvar Soler