What is soy lecithin used for? These are their secrets

If you still don’t know the soy lecithin what is it forwe tell you that it has gained a lot of fame in recent times because it is used in several vitamin supplements.

Soy lecithin is an extract from the grain of the soy plant, which would be a source that provides nutrients and vitamins to the body. This substance would have as one of its functions, to divide the fat into small particles so that they cannot be deposited in the blood vessels, avoiding coronary problems.

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What is soy lecithin used for?

There are those who claim that this substance would have properties for the body that range from favoring the mobilization of fats stored in the liver, making it possible to eliminate their toxins, to supplying the lack of some vitamins, improving the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K. Also, it would be ideal to avoid physical or mental fatigue, due to its contribution of phosphorus to the body. In addition, it would improve the immune functions of your body and keep the heart active and beating normally.

How do you take soy lecithin to lose weight?

There are supplements for oral administration that would turn out to be very effective because they are diluted in the blood, which would make it better distributed throughout the body. Other people prefer to take it in capsules that should generally be consumed 2 times a day. Also, some dairy or pastry products include flours with soy lecithin, but it is not recommended to use this formula to obtain its health benefits.

Soy lecithin in food

Although there are not many foods from which soy lecithin can be obtained, it is widely believed that plant-based dairy could be a good source for its benefits. Soy or almond milk would be the ones that could contain traces of this substance. In health food markets you can get some granules that contain lecithin and that can be added to food, preferably yogurt or milk, but also in some salads or meats during the cooking process.

Soy lecithin in baking

Soy lecithin is used as a product derived from the extraction of soybean oil and its function in confectionery products is to make hot and cold foams to bathe preparations with glazes. Also, in the bakery world it is used to increase the volume of a dough and make it gain more air so that it grows once it is baked.

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