Hirsutism: Why do I get black hair on my chin?

Female hairs on the chin can indicate that you have hirsutism. Here we tell you what causes this condition, something you should know for your well-being, you are not an alien!

Maybe it has never happened to you and it will never happen to you, but maybe it has, you don’t know. to some girls they grow thick, black hairs on their chinssomething that misses them a lot.

Although the female mustache is more common than chin hairs, the latter can be more bothersome than the former; first because they tend to fester and second, because of how strange they are. What causes them?

What is hirsutism?

Is he excessive growth of thick, dark hairs on unconventional parts of the female body, such as the navel, back and chin.

However, it is not really the cause, since it is rather a symptom; look the most common causes of the “female beard”.

polycystic ovary syndrome

It is an imbalance between the luteinizing hormones (LH) and the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which causes the production of androgens to rise,

congenital adrenal hyperplasia

The caused by the lack of one of the enzymes necessary for the synthesis of cortisol, causing an increase in the pituitary hormone, ACTH, stimulating the production of adrenal androgens.


It is a disorder in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough of certain hormones.

Cushing’s syndrome

This disease is present when there is a high level of cortisol hormone in the body.


If your grandmother, your mother and your aunts have a beard, batteries! Surely you can have it, because it is something that can happen by simple genetics.


Finally, you do not have to suffer from any disease for hair to grow on your chin and other unconventional parts, as it is something that happens with menopause.

Your doctor will do tests to find out what causes your hirsutism and determine the best treatment for you.

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With information from: cosmopolitan