Does the man propose and the woman dispose?

We have heard this saying all our lives from the mouths of our grandmothers, mothers and even ourselves, but is it true?

We all remember it like it was yesterday. We have a date, a first date with a daddy that we love, and we are very nervous, with little butterflies in our stomachs. In the end, everything turns out well: we discover that besides being very cute, he’s a cool guy and we feel a special connection with him, that’s why we feel some incredible desire to take the first step chanting a kiss on the mouth.

But we don’t, why? Because we hear an inner voice that tells us “the man proposes and the woman disposes”. Then we blush and we are left with the desire to suck our date. Well, get your hair off and kiss whoever you want because many women are doing it, according to the results of a survey carried out by the dating app TrulyMadly, with the participation of 4,550 men and 2,450 women, from 18 to 30 years old.

«62 percent of women surveyed said they’ve made the first move on a date at some point in their lives, and 88 percent of men said they find it ‘very sexy’ when women do it,» explains the portal

What do you think? Who do you think should make the first move on a date, the man or the woman? Share this note with your friends and friends on the networks and write us what you think.