Lina Tejeiro openly responded to the viral waiter thread on Twitter

With all the sense of humor that characterizes her, Lina Tejeiro openly responded to the viral waiter thread on Twitterwho said that the actress was “funny but very loud”.

During this week there was a curious topic that quickly became a trend and captured the attention of thousands of users on social networks, mainly on the Twitter platform, because in this some good and bad details of various figures of the national and international show business were exposed. while visiting an important restaurant. OMG!

It is the thread of trills made by the tweeter @marcogmusica who apparently worked as head of the dining room in a well-known restaurant of the city of Bogotá (apparently Andrés Carne de Res) in which during his work he had to attend to a long list of celebrities, with whom he had good and bad experiences.

In his list of «good people» several personalities stand out such as Falcao García, Johanna Bahamón, Tatán Mejía and Maleja Restrepo, Alejandro Riaño, Andy Rivera, Andrés Cepeda, Evaluna and Camilo, Nicolás Arrieta, Mauricio Leal, Manuel Medrano, Fonseca, Javier Hernández Bonnet, Greeicy Rendon, the renowned Mexican influencer Yuya, the famous English soccer player David Beckham and the Portuguese Ronaldinho, the Hollywood actor Jack Black, the British singer Sam Smith and the American group Foo Fighters.

Lina Tejeiro openly responded to the viral waiter thread on Twitter

While in his list of «bad people» figures such as Marbelle, Federico Gutiérrez, the Mattos family, Germán Vargas Lleras, Paulina Vega, Dani Duke, Lincoln Palomeque and Carolina Cruz, Jorge Celedón, Sergio Vargas, Ramón Jessurum, Epa Colombia, Jorge Alfredo Vargas, Francisco Santos and Julio Sánchez Cristo, among others.

One of the Colombian personalities that he named and that may be on his list of «good people» was the renowned actress and influencer Lina Tejeiro, of whom he assured that «she screams a lot but is very funny.»

Given Marco’s words, the actress inevitably did not remain silent and immediately spoke through Instagram stories, saying:

“I saw that a thread went viral on Twitter about a boy who worked in a restaurant and had to attend to many celebrities and how he talked about each one, and said that I was very funny but very loud (laughs) and yes, I know, I am very funny and I am very loud. Sorry. There are many people who say “oh, she is all ordinary”, and yes.”

Later, he clarified that he understood perfectly that when he said loud, said waiter did not mean to shout at the restaurant staff, much less, but that she really laughed hard and spoke very hard, which for many that is being «ordinary».

Here his answer:

And you, what do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!