rabbits? Finish them off by doing this every day

To the hated rabbits, those unpleasant chubby ones that come out on our hips, their «quiet» arrived!

A routine of just one week will be enough to put an end to those rabbits that do not let us put on shorts with confidence, let alone a bikini-type swimsuit! The good thing is that you only have to do one exercise a day, 5 minutes, according to the following schedule:

  • Monday: Get into position A, taking care to keep your abdomen tight and your back straight; bend the knee without bending your body until you reach B, and repeat as many times as you can.
  • Tuesday: Raise and lower your bottom leg as slowly as you can. Try to hold position A for a few seconds.
  • Wednesday: The typical squats are blessed to send the rabbits to oblivion.
  • Thursday: Balance is key in this exercise, so keep your body as straight as possible when moving from position A to position B.
  • Friday: End the week with the exercise that requires the most effort; keep in mind that your knee should never go past the ball of your foot.

Repeat this routine for as many weeks as necessary. and you will start to see results. Remember that every time you do exercises like this, whether they are for the rabbits or for another part of your body, you must warm up and stretch to avoid injuries.

also vibrates with: Margarita Rosa de Francisco’s exercise routine

Now you only have share these exercises with your friends and family, especially those who fight with rabbits day and night, will thank you!

With information from I love shoes