Pope Francis: his best motivational phrases

If you are in a process of growth to be a better person, it will help you to take a look at these phrases of Pope Francis that we compiled for you.

Despite so much talk and business that has been formed around personal growth, this is possible, but it is a long and difficult road, where there are no magic formulas.

Pope Francis knows it, that’s why frequently posts motivational phrases on his Instagram account (did you know I had one?). We decided to share with you some of his profound phrases so that you reflect, look at yourself and start the change you need.

Take note of the best motivational phrases of Pope Francis

How to overcome the problems?

How to be happy?

About envy…

When you make mistakes…

How to move on?

About pride…

About success…

Is there hate in your heart?

How to reach our goals?

How not to cling?

about self love

about forgiveness

And how to deal with liars?

also vibrates with: Recommendations to go see the Pope with granny

Share these motivational phrases from Pope Francis on your social networks, your contacts will love them! And they will be of real help to you.

7 tips of #Pope Francisco @Pontifex_es for a happy marriage… => https://t.co/CqaCyYWzyp pic.twitter.com/5zxy9tyyRt

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) September 8, 2017