What color is mourning in other countries?

Although in our country mourning is carried out strictly with black clothes, this is not the case in other places on the planet.

The custom of wearing black mourning not only belongs to our country, Colombia, as it is typical of almost all Western cultures, however this color is not the only one used to say goodbye to a loved one.

This is mourning in other countries

white mourning: This color is associated with the paleness of death, the absence of color, which is why it is part of Buddhist funeral rituals in countries such as China, Japan and India. Also, during the European Middle Ages, mourning was white, not black.

red mourning: In ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, mourning was worn with red. In Egypt it was associated with the desert, the place where the dead went, and in Rome it had a connotation related to the color of blood;

orange mourning: It is the color with which it is customary to wear mourning today in Egypt, as it is associated with the sunset, as a metaphor for the end of life.

yellow mourning: In China, many followers of Buddhism mourn the color yellow.

blue mourning: Until a few centuries ago, blue was used in Great Britain as the official color for funerals. On the other hand, light blue is still used in Syria.

Lilac mourning: Very light violet is the color of clothing that widows must wear in Thailand.

Black: If you are curious to know why we wear black mourning, we will tell you below…

What color do you think is the most suitable for mourning?


also vibrates with: Science tells us why red is the best color

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– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) March 14, 2016

With information from: Funerarialanueva.es, Protocolalavista.com and magazine Very Interesting Story.