5 types of belly and how to eliminate them

We all suffer with those extra fatties and we do everything to make them disappear. Know what the 5 types of belly are and how to eliminate them.

Overweight is a latent reality in the populationn world. The growth rates of this disease are increasingly alarming. Poor nutrition, lack of information and the progress of the industry reduce the ability to feed ourselves better.

It’s not just about looking better, it’s a whole process of health and well-being. The belly or rolls may seem tender at some point, and although it is part of the body and autonomy of each human being, it is good to strive for the good of our body.

Know the 5 most common types of belly

Read carefully and determine which one you have and how you could reduce it

The “rim” type belly

Those who have this type of belly lead a sedentary life or have an office job, in addition, they link their emotions with sugary foods and alcohol.

Bad habits

These people do not exercise, they spend their time sitting down, they are lovers of desserts, pasta and cannot give up rice, they also drink a lot.


  • Eliminate alcohol completely, it turns into sugar and goes directly to your waistline.
  • Avoid ‘diet’ foods, these types of products usually contain many chemicals, refined sugars and salt.
  • Eat a healthy diet full of fresh and, if possible, organic produce.
  • Move on! If you have an office job, park away from the entrance, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and take advantage of your lunch hour to walk around a bit.
  • You don’t need a gym. If you walk, do some squats or practice yoga on the weekends, it will be more than enough.

Tip for this belly

If you regularly reward yourself for a day’s work with a slice of cake, it’s important to remember that looking beautiful goes hand in hand with what you feed your body and how you feel about it. The first change you must make is to feel happy and motivate yourself every day.

The belly of stress

People who have this type of paunch have perfectionist personalities, are usually susceptible to digestive medical conditions that lead to bloating and constipation, and the paunch is very firm.

Bad habits

They tend to skip meals, drink too much coffee and prefer to eat junk food for convenience.


  • Go to bed early and sleep longer
  • Just relax! Try to do a couple of breathing exercises, meditation and take long hot baths that relax you and make you think about different things
  • Limit coffee consumption to no more than 2 cups a day
  • Take a couple of yoga classes, long walks, swimming, or resistance training

Tip for this belly

Yoga will definitely be your best option, but if you find it very ‘light’, you can also look for a sport that serves as an outlet such as boxing or kickboxing. Also choose to drink chamomile tea at night to relax.

the ‘belly’

Possibly those who have this type of belly are busy moms or with very demanding careers, they may exercise, but they continue to eat just as badly, which keeps them slim, but with a small belly.

Bad habits

Do a lot of squats or use weights that tighten your hips and lower back area, making your stomach muscles stand out.


  • A good diet and a lot of fiber are essential to improve your digestion, as well as inflammation and constipation. Opt for green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and high-fiber fruits.
  • Poorly done squats accentuate the belly, so it is recommended to do exercises such as push-ups, which tense the area of ​​​​the arms AND the belly.

Top #tip for this belly

Drink plenty of water to reduce inflammation and add a vegetable to each meal of the day, as well as protein such as fish and chicken.

The maternal belly

They are usually girls who gave birth a few years ago, but could not exercise or diet to get their figure back.

Bad habits

After becoming mothers, they returned to exercise very quickly and with greater intensity.


  • Fish oil supplements are an excellent option in this case.
  • Try to eat right and don’t avoid healthy fats (nuts and oils). Not only will they help you lose weight, but they also absorb vitamins to give you more energy.
  • The exercises for the pelvic walls (known as Kegel), are great for slimming the stomach from within. You just have to squeeze the walls for about 15 to 20 times 5 times a day.
  • Stay away from crunches. After giving birth, the muscles of the abdomen need recovery time, and crunches will do the opposite.

Tip for this belly

Take as many naps as you can and do stretching exercises before bed to burn off some fat and sleep like a baby.

swollen belly

These people have a flat abdomen in the morning and end up with a swollen belly, they usually have allergies, are intolerant to certain products or have a lazy intestine… the result of a poor diet.

Bad habits

Eating the same thing almost every day without knowing that it hurts them.


  • First of all you should avoid gluten and carbohydrates (bread, pasta, pizza, cakes and cereals)
  • The key is to experiment until you know what’s hurting your stomach and what might ease the tension.
  • Focus on a healthy diet full of vegetables, meat, chicken, and fish.
  • Eat a big breakfast, avoid late-night snacks, and drink plenty of water.

Tip for this belly

Believe it or not, breathing may be the best thing you can do for your belly. Try to lie down every day and take about 10 deep breaths.

After eating, activate your intestines and take a walk of at least 5 minutes.

Now that you know the 5 types of belly and how to eliminate them, tell us how you will take on the challenge of reducing yours. Share this note on your social networks, I’m sure it will serve all your friends well.

With information from: Eme de Mujer.