The date of your birth defines your personality

Have you heard about numerology? Discover what is the number that defines your personality, the only thing you need to know is your date of birth and here we tell you how to calculate your life number.

Numerology is a pseudoscience, in which, through a mathematical technique, you can practice divination by patterns or sequences of specific numbers. These numbers are generally linked to dates, coordinates or times of day and the result of various combinations can indicate personality traits or characteristics.

How to calculate the birth number

To know your life number, you must add the numbers of the day, month and year you were born, repeating the procedure on the result until you get a single digit number. For example, if you were born on March 9, 1998 (09-03-1988)the procedure is the next:

0 + 9 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 39

39 = 3 + 9 = 12

12 = 1 + 2 = 3

In this example, the number of life would be 3. Find out what your number is and look for the meaning below…

Meaning of birth numbers

Number 1

People whose number is 1 tend to have a solitary personality, vibrating from individuality and self-reflection. They are characterized by being authentic, original and innate leaders, generally performing in roles of power and in command in most situations. They are honest and can become capricious or willful, however their active and dynamic character helps them to have a very good management of groups. A person with this number and low vibration can become tyrannical and selfish.

number 2

These people usually vibrate from solidarity and empathy, maintaining a cooperative character. These qualities make them very good at working as a team to carry out large projects. They may have the constant need to feel surrounded by many people in order to prosper and develop their ideas. They prioritize pairs and duality, they are very sweet and have the potential to create a stable and loving home, always based on justice and balance as pillars.

Number 3

People with the number 3 tend to vibrate from pleasure and hedonism. They are quite cheerful and positive, enjoying a good sense of humor and surrounding themselves with fun people. They are great creative and imaginative, developing in the field of plastic arts, literature, music and theater. They have the gift of communication, becoming people with good social skills and constantly becoming the center of attention in meetings.

Number 4

These people vibrate from stability, security and practicality. The 4 symbolizes organization and balance, so it represents honest beings with great abundance, making them the best planners or project builders. They develop very well as architects, engineers or simply logistics organizers. While they are noted for having the gift of pragmatism, they lack social skills, so they can be rude.

Number 5

People with this life number vibrate from freedom and adventure. They are very intelligent and passionate, sometimes getting too carried away by impulses, since they have a very liberated and agile mentality. They constantly seek movement, do not enjoy monotony and get bored very easily, making them stand out for being energetic and restless. They do very well in roles as scientists, researchers, travelers, and discoverers of the world in general.

Number 6

People with the number 6 are characterized by vibrating from the union, making them very homely, calm and family people. This is the number of love, peace and community. They love stability and do not enjoy abrupt or sudden changes very much, seeking to feel in harmony and warmth. They flee conflicts and confrontations, they also find it difficult to make important decisions. Among its qualities are service and reliability.

number 7

This number determines very wise and intelligent people. For them, life is a constant search for knowledge, always vibrating from learning, reflection and introspection, becoming isolated to fulfill this purpose. They are usually solitary, always in favor of wisdom and knowledge. They perform well as teachers and desks, with remarkable analytical skills and a very good memory. They are observers, critics and can fall into pessimism or existentialism.

Number 8

They are the ones who vibrate from success and good fortune. They are characterized by being very hard-working people, driven forward and abundant, always on the lookout for new opportunities for progress. They stand out in the field of finance, economics or accounting, since they are usually very intelligent with mathematics and capital management. They are ambitious, big dreamers and somewhat individualistic.

Number 9

Finally, this group of people vibrates from compassion and deep understanding, in a constant search for the process and spiritual development. They enjoy smooth movements and are very tolerant, surrounding themselves with situations and people who are on the same spiritual path. They are philosophers, gurus or spiritual leaders, always vibrating at a higher level. They can become arrogant and selfish within their personal processes.

Now you know how to define the personal characteristics of those around you. Will you put it into practice? Tell us what you think about numerology and share with your friends!