Miguel Bosé Is he heterosexual, gay or bisexual?

Bose has just turned 60 and is one of those of his time, one of the artists who have remained in force for many years and no one has ever discovered what his sexual orientation is.

Is Miguel Bosé the most important gay singer in Spain? Or will he be curious hetero? Few artists in Spain can say that they continue to release successful albums after so many years. Remember that your first album ‘Pretty’ came out in 1977 and the last one came to us last year, ‘Amo’. And for so many years there has always been talk about his sexual orientation without reaching any clear conclusion.

in the past decade Javier Menendez Flores published the book ‘With Your Kiss Name’a biography of the singer who spoke among other things about the rumors that have always accompanied him: it was even said that he suffered from AIDS, he was left for dead in a motorcycle accident and his sexual ambiguity is still a subject of debate today.

Read also: Bosé presents Libre ya de amores (Video)

In 1980 Miguel Bose said: “bisexual yes, but not homosexual”. In 1981 he backed away stating: «He has never had homosexual relations». his ex-girlfriend Ana Obregon He said in 1982 that it was the first love of his life: «Miguel has had homosexual experiences, but I don’t give a damn». Well, who knows… Years later, Miguel Bosé came to say in Colombia that he was trisexual: “Why settle for just one sex? You have to have fun with everything: explore, innovate, have an open mind… Therefore I declare myself trisexual””.

Some attribute the beginnings of rumors about the sexuality of Miguel Bose not only to his outlandish looks at the beginning of his career, but also to the fact that he put a red handkerchief in the pocket of his jeans, as gays did in San Francisco to indicate his sexual preferences. Others say the rumors were spread by a gay journalist who was obsessed with sleeping with Miguel Bosé. oh, And did you know that Miguel Bosé and Toni Cantó shared a flat?

To add fuel to the fire in recent years we had the gay kiss of Miguel Bose and his guitarist in concert and, of course, the appearance of his four children via surrogacy. 7 months after birth Thaddeus and Diegorevealed that he had two other children, the twins Ivo and Telmo, and that he had been his friend Ricky Martin who had encouraged him to have a family. What else to say?

And what do you think? Is Miguel Bosé gay or has he just played the card of ambiguity throughout his career to generate more interest?

Taken from Chromosomax