What are anxiolytics? – Online Psychologists

Anxiolytics are medicines that act in the central system reduce anxiety and are used, above all, to treat symptoms of nervousness, insomnia or anxiety.

How do anxiolytics work?

These psychotropic drugs are aimed at decrease heart rate and respiratory rate while reducing the feeling of tension and nerves. They act by enhancing the action of the neurotransmitter GABA, which is the most important neuronal inhibitor of the central nervous system. This allows the patient to have a feeling of calm and muscular connection.

He alprazolam (Xanax) and the diazepam (Valium) are considered by Myers, Gross and Rathus to be minor tranquilizers, while antipsychotics are major tranquilizers.

The most commonly used drug is benzodiazepines. They can be found in the form of generic drugs and they are usually recognized because they all have the ending 'pam'.

They can be divided into four groups depending on the duration of these drugs:

  1. Ultra-short acting drugswith less than 6 hours.
  2. Short-acting medications: less than 12 hours. It is taken before going to sleep and rebound effects of insomnia or anxiety may occur.
  3. Intermediate drugs: Lasting between 12 and 24 hours, with mid-day effects or insomnia.
  4. Long-acting medications: lasting more than 24 hours. It has strong sedative effects and is often used to stop insomnia in patients.

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Side effects of taking anxiolytics

These medications have four very specific and general side effects: hypnotics, anticonvulsants, anxiolytics and muscle relaxants. It can cause fevers, tremors, muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, confusion, hypotension or dry mucous membranes.

Precisely because of these factors, this type of drug is highly criticized since it should not be taken for a very long time because it can cause psychological dependence. It relieves symptoms very effectively, and that is why the patient will tend to take it every time he or she feels tension or anxiety. That is why these medications should be intended for short treatments, Never self-medicate and consult with your doctor about any changes so that he can prescribe the appropriate dose for each situation.

The psychology expert Spencer A. Rathus He says that despite all this, the biggest side effect of these drugs is the feeling of fatigue. Gross, For his part, he states that there have been cases in which the patient has presented withdrawal syndrome of more than 6 months of use. Therefore, it is limited the minimum dose in the shortest time possible.

In addition, the Patients with a history of alcohol, drugs or regular drug use or even significant personality disorders are more likely to be dependent. The patient's body may need up to three weeks to overcome the addiction that these drugs can fuel.

It should be noted that anxiolytics should not be taken during pregnancy or if you suffer from glaucoma, apnea, hyperactivity or any disorder that affects the central nervous system.

Therefore, it is important not to abruptly withdraw the medication but to gradually monitor the drug at increasingly lower doses.

Always consult with the doctor or psychiatrist who prescribed them before making any changes to the dosage, and do not repeat the treatment of other people, since the clinical pictures and side effects may be different from yours.

Therapeutic treatment with anxiolytics can be completed with psychological therapy, provided that a professional prescribes it. Make an appointment with the team of psychologists at and discover how online therapy can help you improve your situation.

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