Online child psychologist or for children – Online Psychologists

More and more parents are looking for an online psychologist capable of treating children. As everyone knows, Childhood is a fundamental stage in personality development. If a child develops certain habits and problems during early childhood, they may stay with him for the rest of his life.

The National Institute of Mental Health highlights that among the most common mental disorders that can be diagnosed in childhood are: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety (fears or worries), and behavioral disorders.

However, making the decision to take your child to a psychologist is not always easy. Some parents fear that taking their children to a consultation will end up being a traumatic experience for them. Luckily, if you decide to take your child to an online psychologist, you won't even need to leave home to solve their problems.

Online psychologist for children: Is it really necessary?

Many adults consider that the Problems that appear during childhood and adolescence They are not important at all. In most cases, they do not have any bad intentions. However, these kinds of thoughts can cause an easily solved problem to take root and grow as their children do.

Some common problems in children, such as those related to attachment, can seriously damage self-esteem of those who suffer from it even in adulthood. Others that seem less serious, such as problems related to food, can condition the behavior of children for years.

How do I know if my child needs therapy?

If you are a parent and want to know the best way to take care of your children's mental health, you have come to the right place.

Recognizing whether your child might benefit from therapy involves paying attention to a variety of emotional and behavioral indicators. Some signs that may arise from the need for therapy include sudden changes in behavior, such as excessive irritability, social withdrawal, or unusual aggression. Also watch for signs of difficulties in school performance, problems sleeping, frequent nightmares or complaints of physical pain with no apparent cause.

Another aspect to consider is the manifestation of intense fears, persistent anxiety, or if your child experiences traumatic eventsAdditionally, if there are noticeable changes in diet, loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyed, or expressions of constant sadness, these may be signs of emotional distress.

Open communication with your child is also key. If he or she expresses feeling overwhelmed, sad or having difficulty managing your emotionscould be indicative that the therapy is beneficial.

Remember that every child is unique, and if you have concerns about your child's emotional well-being, consulting with a psychology professional online can provide valuable guidance and help you determine if therapy is the right step to take to support your child's emotional growth.


It has been shown that online therapy provides, like face-to-face therapy, multiple benefits. benefits to the patient. Among the most common are:

Provides a safe space to express yourself

Offers a safe environment for express themselves freelyproviding them with a judgment-free space where they can share their thoughts and feelings, promoting a positive impact on their emotional outlook.

Online psychology creates a safe digital space where children can share their thoughts, emotions, and concerns without fear of judgment. This nonjudgmental virtual environment encourages openness and authenticity, allowing children to honestly explore their feelings. By having the freedom to express themselves without restrictions, children develop greater emotional awareness and build a trusting relationship with their therapist.

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If you are a parent and want to know the best way to take care of your children's mental health, you have come to the right place.

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Provides strategies and tools to deal with mental challenges

Provides strategies and tools tailored to the individual needs of each patient to deal with mental challenges, providing them with specialized guidance which allows them to develop emotional skills and receive the necessary support.

Mitigate the feeling of isolation

Online psychology becomes a valuable resource to counteract the isolation that some children may experience. Through regular sessions with a psychologist, they have the opportunity to connect emotionally and share their experiences.

This virtual connection not only reduces the feeling of loneliness, but also contributes to development of social skills by providing a safe space to practice emotional expression and empathy.

Support during important life transitions

During key transitions in a child’s life, such as schooling or significant changes in relationships, online psychology provides vital support. Online therapists can help your child understand and manage those emotions, providing strategies to adapt and overcome potential emotional challenges. This ongoing support fosters resilience, allowing children to face change with greater confidence and understanding.

Improves academic performance and concentration

The connection between mental health and academic performance is clear, and online psychology addresses this relationship in a comprehensive way. Psychologists work with children to overcome emotional barriers that can affect concentration, effective study techniques, and time management skills.

This comprehensive approach not only benefits academic treatment, but also provides children with valuable tools to face future educational and emotional challenges.

How can parents help?

There are things you can do to help your child get the most out of therapy. Here are some suggestions:

  • Make sure your child feels comfortable with the psychologist. In Psychia We help you find the professional that best suits your child's needs.
  • Supervise your child's attendance at appointments. Change takes time. It takes many therapy visits for your child to learn new skills and maintain them.
  • Meet with your child's therapist to ask what to do when your child exhibits problems at home. Ask how to help your child do well.
  • Spend time with your child. Play, cook, read, or laugh together. Do it every day, even if it's just for a few minutes.
  • Parenting with patience and warmth. Use kind words, even when you need to correct your child. Show love. Praise your child when he or she is doing well or trying hard.

Psychia Therapy

In Psychia We have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

How do I choose an online psychologist for my child?

Selecting a psychologist for your child involves considering several important aspects. Evaluate the type of therapy they offer, their specializations, and the approach they use. Also, consider whether the care is exclusively online, in person, or a combination of both methods. It is crucial that they are licensed psychologists, marking the first indicator of their professionalism.

Consider the possibility of obtaining more information about them, such as a free first visit, computer videos and recommendations from other parents. Don't forget to trust your intuition and common sense when choosing the professional who will act as a counselor and help solve your child's minor problems.

Meet our professionals

Marta Foix

No. Col. 23757

“Specialist in couples therapy, anxiety and decision making in life processes”

Enya Sanchez

No. Col. AO12914

“I help you take care of yourself, so that your mental health does not depend on what others think about your decisions”

Sandra Sanchez

Col. No. 22173

“Couples therapy, anxiety, life crises and addictions”

Natalia Sanchez

No. Col. 27812

“The mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it to feel better in the world”

How can I ensure my child's privacy?

The privacy of your child's data is a priority. All information you provide, including name and other details, is strictly confidential. confidential and only reaches the psychologist you choose to care for your child. Personal data and health situations that arise during therapy are protected by the psychologist's code of ethics and the Data Protection Act, ensuring a secure and confidential environment.

How often will my child need to attend online therapy sessions?

At the first consultation, the psychologist will prepare a therapy proposal and agree with you on the frequency of consultations for your child. The frequency of sessions varies depending on the individual situation of the child, the problem at hand and the specific needs to be addressed. There is no set standard, as the frequency is adjusted on a personalized basis. to ensure your child's progress and emotional well-being.

How can I make sure my child feels comfortable with the psychologist?

Making sure your child is comfortable is essential. Consider holding an introductory first session so your child can get to know the psychologist. Explore options such as informational videos or child-friendly materials that your psychologist can provide.

Ask the psychologist about his or her approach and methods for working with children, thus ensuring that the connection between them is positive and beneficial to the therapeutic process.

If you find yourself in this similar situation or know someone who is going through a similar one, you are looking for a psychologist specializing in child therapyin we can help you.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists,…