What is the Circle of Influence and how can it improve your life? – Online Psychologists

Often, when things get complicated, we are tempted to try to fix everything. However, taking on too much responsibility can lead to stress and burnout, which diminishes the importance of what you can actually control.

Stephen Covey introduced the concept of the Circle of Influence in his book «The 7 habits of highly effective people»This model can help you understand what you can and cannot manage, and help you determine how to act on it.

What is the Circle of Influence?

Most of our problems come from external factors beyond our control. Stephen Covey proposes the use of two circles, the Circle of Influence (what we care about and what we can influence) and the Circle of Concern (the things that worry us)as a way of organizing our concerns.

Circle of Influence vs. Concern

We all have various concerns in our lives, such as health, our children, work problems, the environment, among others.

He Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence These are two concepts proposed by Stephen Covey that help us better understand how to manage our worries and what we can directly influence.

Circle of Concern

This circle It covers all the things that concern us in our lives, such as health, work, family, the environment.among others. The Circle of Concern includes issues over which we have no direct control or immediate influence. These concerns can generate anxiety and overwhelm, as we feel that they are beyond our reach.

Circle of Influence

The Circle of Influence refers to those areas of our lives in which we do have a direct power of influence. Within this circle are aspects on which we can take actions and decisions that generate a real impact. By focusing on our Circle of Influence, we can work proactively and effectively to make changes and improve our situation.

The The key is to recognize that, although there are many things that concern us, Most of them are beyond our control. Therefore, Covey invites us to focus on what we can directly influence, that is, on our Circle of InfluenceBy doing so, we can take concrete steps and avoid the feeling of helplessness that comes from focusing on the Circle of Concern. In this way, we can develop a proactive mindset and increase our overall well-being.

Different approaches

He Circle of Influence is the focus of the proactive people to direct their efforts. They focus on the areas they can influence. Their positive energy expands and amplifies, causing their circle of influence to grow.

Proactive people take decisions based on their values. They think before they act. They understand that, although they do not have complete control over everything that happens to them, they do have power over how they respond.

On the other hand, the reactive people direct their efforts towards the Circle of Concern. They focus on the flaws of others, on problems in their environment and on external factors over which they have little control. Their concentration leads them to adopt accusatory attitudes and blame others, to adopt a defensive speech and to feel increasingly victimized.

How to expand your circle of influence

Expanding your circle of influence is beneficial because it allows you opens you to new opportunities, connections and support in achieving your goals. According to Covey, this requires:

Finding your purpose

Putting effort into discovering your purpose is critical to expanding your Circle of Influence. Your sense of purpose is based on your beliefs. It is your source of inspiration and motivation as you work to live the life you believe will make you happy.

Overcoming your limiting beliefs

If your belief system is restrictive or biased, your ability to grow will be limited. Surely, in your earliest childhood memories, you had moments when you were brave and your curiosity led you to explore areas you would not dare to venture into now.

As you grew up, you were exposed to a number of guidelines on how to speak, behave and act. This probably limited you and you may not have reached your full potential.

While there are rules you must follow, you must also allow yourself to enjoy a full life. To improve your Circle of Influence, you must Expand your perspectives and Constantly question your way of thinking.

Online therapy, through therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can potentially be useful in overcoming these beliefs.

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Expand your network

Your ability to expand your Circle of Influence will increase as you network with a wider variety of people. To develop your network, you can:

Building your personal brand

People with a growth mindset believe that they can develop their knowledge and skills. Although people have natural talents and qualities, they believe that they can achieve their goals.Personal development is crucial to achieving success. On the other hand, people with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence and talent are characteristics that you either have or you don't.

Admit your flaws and act quickly to fix them

We can all make mistakes. People are often embarrassed to admit that they have made mistakes. However, being honest with the people you work with and those around you can prevent many problems.

Although it may take courage, admit a mistake immediately can prevent serious setbacks in the future. The development of your personality includes learn to accept and admit your faultsas well as take action to solve them.

Be proactive

Being proactive involves being aware of your Circle of Influence and focusing your efforts on the areas where you can make a positive impact. It is a active and empowered attitude that allows you to sbe the owner of your life and work on your objectives and goals.

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