Online therapy to overcome grief over the death of a child – Online Psychologists

The loss of a child is one of the most heartbreaking and painful experiences that a human being can face. Grief over the death of a child is a unique and profound processin which emotions and pain can seem overwhelming. In such difficult times, online therapy presents itself as a valuable tool to accompany and help in the grieving process.

What is grief?

Grief is a natural emotional response to the loss of a loved one. Each individual experiences grief in a unique way, as it is influenced by a variety of factors, such as the relationship with the child, the circumstances of the death, and the support structure available. Although there is no predetermined path, some common phases have been identified that are often experienced during the grieving process.

Stages of grief

  • Denial. At this early stage, it is common to feel a sense of disbelief and deny the reality of the loss. The mind may have difficulty assimilating the magnitude of the event. No parent is prepared to say goodbye to their child, so the most common reaction is to not accept what has happened.
  • Gonna. Feelings of injustice, anger and frustration arise towards the situation, towards other people or even towards oneself. Probably no one is to blame for what happened, and if this is true, you should not waste your energy blaming them.
  • NegotiationIn some cases, people go through a stage of bargaining, looking for ways to avoid or reverse the loss. Imaginary pacts may be made or promises made in a desperate attempt to change what happened.
  • Depression. Depression is a phase in which pain and deep sadness become more evident. A deep feeling of emptiness, hopelessness and despair can be experienced. This is where we begin to really realise what has happened, which leads to the next phase.
  • Acceptance. Over time, the process of acceptance begins, in which the reality of the loss begins to be integrated into daily life. Acceptance does not mean forgetting or stopping feeling pain, but rather finding a space for loving memory and moving forward toward rebuilding life.

Tips for coping with the loss of a child

As we have already said, grief is a natural process that all human beings go through when faced with this type of situation. However, Accepting what happened and changing our mentality is necessary to continue in our daily lives.. Some tips for doing this are as follows:

  1. Allow yourself to feel. It's important to allow yourself to experience all the emotions that arise during grief. Don't repress pain, sadness, anger, or any other emotion. Allow yourself to cry, talk about your feelings, and express yourself in a healthy way. What you're feeling is normal in the face of this loss. Don't think you're exaggerating or being repetitive.
  2. Seek support from those around you. Don't be afraid to ask for help from family or close friends. Sharing your pain with people who understand can provide you with great emotional support and help you feel accompanied in your grieving process.
  3. Take care of yourself. It's essential to take care of your physical and emotional well-being. Make sure you get enough rest, eat properly, and do activities that bring you peace and comfort. Incorporate self-care into your daily routine. It's difficult, yes, but if you put your mind to it, you'll see improvements in your mental health and in your day-to-day life.
  4. Find activities that comfort youFind activities that bring you comfort and emotional relief. This could be writing in a journal, practicing yoga, walking in nature, listening to relaxing music, or pursuing a hobby you are passionate about. These activities can help you find moments of calm and connection with yourself.
  5. Seek psychological help. If you feel like you're overwhelmed by the situation, don't be afraid to seek help from a mental health professional. With them, you can discuss all the issues that are overwhelming you and they will help you get out of the tunnel where you can't see the light.

Remember that the grieving process is unique for each personand there is no “right” way to go through it. Take the time you need, be kind to yourself, and seek the support you need to heal and rebuild your life.

Online therapy to overcome it

Online therapy has become an effective option for those seeking support and guidance during the grief of the loss of a family member. During the sessions, a variety of techniques are used that are adapted to the individual needs of each person:

  • Person-centered grief therapy. You and your mental health are what matters most. Online therapy focuses on providing a safe and empathetic space for you to explore and process your emotions related to the loss of your child. It will guide you through the grieving process, providing emotional support and helping you find meaning and purpose in your life.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is used to identify and modify negative or distorted thought patterns that may be affecting your grieving process. It will help you challenge limiting beliefs and develop more adaptive and healthy thoughts.
  • Compassion-based approachesOnline therapy also incorporates compassion-based approaches, which encourage self-compassion and acceptance of difficult emotions. You'll learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding during the grieving process and develop a more compassionate relationship with yourself.

In addition to these techniques, therapy may include Relaxation exercises, visualization, therapeutic writing and other tools that will help you process the pain and move forward in your grieving process in a healthy way.

Benefits of online therapy

  • No There are no linguistic or geographical barrierssince you will not need to go to a psychologist's office in your area. Having access to an online psychologist in your native language is a great benefit, especially if you do not speak English, since you will be in the hands of specialists who speak your language.
  • You will save time by avoiding unnecessary trips, since you can do the therapy from any place you choose. This gives you the comfort of receiving psychological support without leaving your home, in an environment where you feel safe and comfortable. This advantage is especially valuable in large cities, where moving from one place to another can mean a great loss of time.
  • In addition, the comfort Being in your own environment will help you get the most out of each session. Being in your comfort zone will allow you to open up and share your thoughts and feelings more freely and honestly.
  • It is important to note that online therapy has the same effectiveness as traditional face-to-face therapyThe most important thing is that online therapy is carried out under appropriate conditions and with a mental health professional. By having a qualified therapist, online therapy can be just as effective and beneficial in overcoming grief and working on your healing process.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.