5 tricks to deal with stress in a relationship – Online Psychologists

There are many things that can cause us stress, so We are surrounded by constant stimuli which, day after day, interfere with our peace of mind. If it is your partner who is in a stressful situation, it is important that you know how to deal with it so that its effects do not wear down the relationship.

According to the World Health Organization, stress is a physiological response that prepares the body for action. It is a psychological reaction that is based on the adaptation to the demands of the environmentIn this context, it is worth mentioning that stress in small doses can be positive, as it stimulates the body. However, if this pressure is maintained over time can cause exhaustion and therefore affect your relationship.

What are the phases of stress?

As with other disorders, stress manifests itself through various stages:

  • Alarm reaction. This phase is the immediate response to a threat, the mobilization of the nervous system causes a stress responseThe symptoms typical of this phase are palpitations, panting, rapid breathing, nausea…
  • Resistance phase. The previous stage cannot be maintained indefinitely and longer exposure to stress factors leads us to the resistance phase. During this period, a survival strategy And while many people tend to resort to short-term solutions, it is necessary to look for the long-term benefit to obtain permanent solutions.
  • Exhaustion phase. Prolonged stress can lead to chronic health problems, and Cumulative exhaustion can trigger disorders such as depression. This phase has a series of physical, emotional and mental symptoms such as headaches, anxiety or concentration problems, etc.

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Sources of problems in couples due to stress

Although each couple is a world, it is possible to find a series of Common problems that originate from excessive stress or in the inability to deal with it effectively.

These problems caused by stress, If not addressed in time, can end up wearing down or breaking the relationship.

  • Excessive workload

Excessive workload is one of the most common causes It can be a source of stress and can have a direct effect on your relationship. You usually won't be able to leave exhaustion at the office, but it will accompany you home and influence the way you relate to your partner.

When you feel insecure you doubt yourself, your abilities and even your ability to take care of the relationship. fear of losing your partner It can create a chain reaction: trying to do your best can lead to a pit of stress that can affect your relationship.

  • Family conflicts

Family conflicts are a major source of stress and can be introduced into the relationship, becoming a problem. You must be clear that tensions The problems that have dragged on over the years can explode at any moment, affecting you and your partner. The best thing you can do is take care of your communication and, if the slightest problem occurs, try to solve it with a good conversation.

Effects of stress on the relationship

As we have mentioned, the stress can become a source of problems within a relationship. This happens because it triggers a series of effects that affect our daily life and that interfere with certain aspects of a relationship:

  • Sexual desire. Stress can cause the decrease of sexual desire due to increased cortisol. As a person's stress levels increase, so does cortisol, thereby reducing sexual appetite. Stress can also trigger appearance of problems related to sexualitysuch as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, lack of vaginal discharge or anorgasmia. Although the percentage of cases is very small, there are people who experience the opposite: stress increases their sexual desire and even leads to compulsive behavior.
  • Communication. As we all know, communication is a fundamental part of any relationship, but it can be affected if one of the partners is suffering from stress. It is common that when a person is suffering from stress, he or she is more irascible and exhaustedso it is not easy to maintain a constructive conversation with her and can lead to a spiral of misunderstandings capable of being settled by the end of the relationship.
  • Distancing. Suffering high levels of stress directly affects our mood and our way of acting, we become more impatient and irascible people with our partner. This can lead the other party to consider that the best decision is to walk away because they feel emotionally exhausted to fight against our attitude. The moment our partner decides avoid contactwe enter the phase of distancing and both parties will feel isolated and alone.

5 tips to deal with stress in a relationship

When a person is subjected to high levels of stress, it is difficult for their relationship not to suffer. For this reason, it is important that you put into practice a series of tips to help you cope with this situation.

1. Find the origin

In order to solve a problem it is important to know what its origin is, so the first step is to try to identify what causes you stress throughout the day.

This is a exercise of self-knowledge and reflection that will help you cope with stress and improve your relationship with your partner.

2. Honesty

Be honest about how you feel, don't repress itshare your worries with your partner and you will realize that perhaps your stress levels were so high because you kept everything to yourself. Remember that, no matter how strong you are, We can't get through it all alonelean on those who love you.

3. Listen

In addition to opening up to your partner, It is important that you also listenTry to understand their concerns and even their reproaches, because it is likely that stress has blinded you and you are not aware that there are things that need to be repaired.

4. Share your time

It is likely that along the way you have lost your way as a couple and the bond you had has weakened, but do not worry because there is a solution.

You can try new things and make plans togethergoing to the cinema, cooking, reading the same book or signing up for some activity as a couple, are some of the options that you can try and that will help you get that connection back that brought you together.

5. Seek help

It is important that you are clear that We can't solve everything alone and that receiving help from a professional can be key when it comes to reducing your stress levels.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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