5 strategies to overcome the fear of loneliness – Online Psychologists

«Overcoming the fear of loneliness» is one of the most common requests that Psychiatric patients make to us. Why? Because if living with fear can be exhausting and paralyzing in itself, feeling that this fear is of loneliness can be even worse.

The fear of loneliness can negatively affect our quality of life and our emotional well-being, but fortunately there are effective ways to overcome this fear and learn to enjoy our own company.

According to a 2010 study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, fear of loneliness is linked to increased anxiety and depression (Peplau & Perlman, 2010). It’s important to note that being alone doesn’t necessarily mean being lonely, and learning to enjoy our own company can be a valuable and liberating skill.

In this article, we will explore five effective strategies to overcome the fear of loneliness and learn to live with fear in a healthier and more balanced way.

Learn to enjoy your own company

One of the most effective ways to overcome the fear of loneliness is by learning to enjoy our own company. This doesn't mean we should avoid contact with others, but rather, learn to be comfortable and content with ourselves. Some ways to do this may include:

  • Practicing meditation or mindfulness: Meditation and mindfulness help us to be present and accept our thoughts and emotions without judgment. This can be especially helpful for those who feel anxious or stressed when they are alone.
  • Accept your feelings and emotions: Sometimes, fear of loneliness can be a result of not wanting to face certain emotions or feelings. Accepting and expressing our emotions in a healthy way is an important part of learning to be comfortable with ourselves.
  • Find activities that you like and enjoy doing alone.:Whether it's reading, writing, drawing, or any other activity you enjoy, finding something you're passionate about can help you enjoy your own company and feel less alone.

Put yourself in the hands of an expert

Sometimes, the fear of loneliness can be the result of past experiences or negative thought patterns that have been internalized. In these cases, it can be helpful to have the support of a psychologist. A psychologist will help you explore your fears and find healthy ways to cope with them.

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Practice meditation and mindfulness

As we mentioned before, meditation and mindfulness can be very useful tools to learn to enjoy our own company and accept our thoughts and emotions.

A 2012 study published in the journal Psychology of Well-Being found that mindfulness meditation can reduce loneliness and improve resilience in older adults (Grossman, Niemann, Schmidt, & Walach, 2012).

Additionally, meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can be especially beneficial for those who struggle with the fear of loneliness.

Accept your feelings and emotions

Sometimes, the fear of loneliness can be the result of not wanting to face certain emotions or feelings.

However, accepting and expressing our emotions in a healthy way is an important part of learning to be comfortable with ourselves and overcoming the fear of loneliness.

A 2007 study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that accepting our emotions can be beneficial for our mental health and emotional well-being (Brosschot, Gerin, & Verkuil, 2007).

Develop your social skills and expand your network of friends

While it's important to learn to enjoy our own company, it's also normal to feel the need to connect with others. Developing our social skills and expanding our network of friends can help us feel less lonely and more connected.

According to psychologist Lisa Nichols, “Having a wide and close network of friends is related to greater longevity and better mental health«This doesn't mean we should have a bunch of superficial friends, but rather, seek out deep and meaningful friendships. Some ways to develop our social skills and expand our network of friends may include:

  • Participate in activities or interest groups: Whether it's a book club, sports team, or discussion group, participating in activities you're passionate about can help you meet people with similar interests.
  • Attending social events: Although it can be difficult to face our fear of loneliness and get out of our comfort zone, attending social events can be a great way to meet new people and expand our network of friends.
  • Take advantage of social media: While social media is no substitute for face-to-face interaction, it can be a useful way to connect with people who share your interests and meet new people. At this point, keep in mind that social media and generalized anxiety have a strong correlation, so use it in moderation.
  • Make an effort to maintain existing friendships: Sometimes, the fear of loneliness can lead us to cling to any relationship, even if it is unhealthy. However, it is important to remember that true friendships take effort and time to cultivate. Make sure you make an effort to maintain your existing friendships and strengthen them.

Exercise and take care of your physical and mental health

Exercise is not only beneficial for our physical health, but it can also be beneficial for our mental health. A 2010 study published in the journal Psychiatry Research found that regular exercise is linked to less loneliness and greater psychological well-being in older adults (King, Taylor, & Haskell, 2010). Additionally, taking care of our overall physical and mental health can help us feel more at ease.

stronger and more able to face our fears, including the fear of loneliness. Some ways to take care of our physical and mental health include exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga.

Learn to say “no” and set healthy boundaries

Sometimes the fear of loneliness can cause us to cling to toxic relationships or accept situations that are not healthy for us.

According to Lisa Nichols, “Learning to say “no” and setting healthy boundaries is an important part of learning to value ourselves and protect our emotional well-being.«.

This doesn't mean we should avoid all situations that make us feel uncomfortable or alone, but rather, learn to recognize when it's necessary to set boundaries to protect our well-being.

Sometimes this may mean saying “no” to an invitation to go out when we need time for ourselves, or setting boundaries with people who treat us in unhealthy ways. Learning to say “no” and set boundaries may be difficult at first, but over time, it will help us feel stronger and more confident about ourselves and protect our emotional well-being.


The fear of loneliness can be a paralyzing emotion that negatively affects our quality of life. However, there are effective ways to overcome this fear and learn to enjoy our own company.

This can include practicing meditation or mindfulness, accepting our feelings and emotions, developing our social skills and expanding our network of friends, exercising and taking care of our physical and mental health, and learning to say “no” and set healthy boundaries. If the fear of loneliness is something that is affecting you, consider seeking professional help from a psychologist to work on these areas and find more effective strategies to overcome this fear.