Tech neck: what it is and how it affects your well-being – Online Psychologists

In 2021, technological devices have become part of our lives, but their incorrect use at a physiological and postural level can lead to so-called “technological diseases” such as tech neck.

Constant contact with new technologies

Nowadays everyone has a mobile phone, a computer or a tablet and if not, they are within reach, which makes it possible People are in constant contact with technology. With the pandemic, The use of these has increased to 9 hours a day according to the study «Personal well-being and the use of technology in confinement» published by the Social Observatory of La Caixa.

The results of the 9,300 surveys that were carried out in countries such as Spain, Chile and Argentina, among others, have revealed that 70% of respondents had increased their use of technological devices “quite a bit or a lot” during the Coronavirus crisis.

The new normal has made people use more Mobile phones to play video games or talk on WhatsApp and the computer to connect to online classes or to make video calls with their loved ones.

However, this is not all good. Although technology has been a great help in this stage, according to the study, people who do not make moderate use of technology, i.e. more than two hours a day, have a lower level of well-being than those who do.

He also stresses that do physical exercise or other activities that do not involve digital devices like cooking, reading or drawing are associated with higher levels of well-being psychological and personal.

Furthermore, the misuse of technologies not only It affects psychologically, as well as physically. According to a study published by the CBS Newspeople get to spend a average of 2 to 4 hours with the neck tilteddue to the use of these devices, which would be equivalent to about 700-1,400 hours per year.

The consequences of Using your mobile phone or computer in an incorrect position causes diseases such as tech neck.

What is the tech neck?

He tech neck or also called «syndrome text neck” (text neck)is one of the so-called “technological diseases” produced by repeatedly tilting the neck when typing messages on the phone, reading the news, playing video games, looking at social networks…

A Bad posture and bad habits when doing these activities, which if done repetitively, can be the cause of this syndrome, tech neck.

How does it affect the tech neck?

The practice of tilting the neck every time we use the mobile phone can cause very strong physical discomfort such as neck pain and stiffness, continuous poor posture, headaches and back pain.

Apart from this type of pain, the tech neck can go further and cause tendinopathythat is, a tendon disorder that causes discomfort, inflammation and deterioration. Another cause is a dysfunction in the neuromusculoskeletal system at the cervical level.

If the spine is not kept straight, a joint disorder which will cause diseases such as herniated discs, contractures, early joint degeneration, arthritis, osteoarthritis, disc compression, elongations and shortenings in the muscles and radiculopathies.

Technological devices are capable of causing a series of problems to humans. diseases that can worsen your quality of life physically and mentallyas is the case with the tech neck.

How many people does it affect?

According to studies conducted in the United States, 50% of the generation Millennial will be affected by the tech necksince it is the youngest who use technological devices daily to interact or do other activities.

In addition, it is estimated that Between the ages of 18 and 39, a person can tilt their head up to 200 times a day to look at their cell phone.something that is quite dangerous due to the strong consequences that this can cause.

Physiotherapists have reported that in recent months they are receiving many patients with Down syndrome. tech neck in your query. Mónica Rodríguez, physiotherapist and vice dean of the College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia reveals that More and more people are going to physiotherapy for this reason. and for other diseases already mentioned that are the cause of a incorrect use of technological devices.

How to avoid it?

Here we show you a series of Guidelines you can follow to avoid this type of technological illness, among which is tech neck:

  • When using the mobile phone, try don't bow your headbetter raise your arms and if you are at home it is It is better to use it lying on your back than sitting up..
  • If you use your mobile device you can place the screen in a position lower than the eyesso the cervical vertebrae will not be in a flexed position, but rather neutral.
  • Place your computer at eye levelthis way you will avoid bending your neck.
  • When you are at your desk working keep a straight posture and take breaks every half hour to walk or stretch. Don't use your cell phone, otherwise you will fall into a bad posture again and it will have been useless.
  • It is more advisable to have a chair with headrest without it, you will stay straight and your neck will be able to rest.
  • Make phone calls or send voice notes Instead of texting, you'll avoid craning your neck.
  • Use the two hands to write instead of oneso the wrist will be in a neutral position.
  • When using the computer Adjust the keyboard and mouse so that the wrist does not close completelyTo do this, you can rest your forearms and place a cushion under your wrist. Experts recommend that the keyboard be at a level below elbow height.
  • Perform stretches or exercises for the neck and shoulders.
  • Finally, reduces usage time of these technological devices.

Exercises that will help you

  • First of all, in a posture as upright as possible with your eyes forward and your neck straightplaces the hands behind back with arms outstretched, inhale slowly and as you exhale, bring the ear to shoulder but without moving it.
  • Secondly, straight ahead, with the look forward, inhale and exhale slowly; then performs gentle neck turnscarrying the chin to shoulder so that your gaze remains on an imaginary straight line, thus preventing your chin from falling towards your shoulder and maintaining the stretch.
  • The last exercise is to leave the facing forward, shoulders relaxed and hands at sides. Inhale and exhale slowly; with your eyes maintaining an imaginary straight line, look up, preferably with your mouth closed and your teeth together, without clenching.

If you do not have any symptoms, it is recommended that you follow these guidelines and exercises. If, on the other hand, Do you have any of these symptoms?the exercises are not enough and the pain persists, it is best that Go to a specialist as soon as possible to help you maintain a straight posture. and thus avoid tech neck, a disease caused by technology.