Mauricio Leal, famous hairdresser, passed away

Passed away Mauricio Leal, hairdresser of the famousinside his house through confusing events that are beginning to be investigated by the authorities.

The renowned 47-year-old stylist was one of the favorite professionals of Colombian personalities such as Melina Ramírez, Andrea Serna, Gabriela Tafur, Carmen Villalobos, among others. His talent and his great aesthetic sense in the fashion world made Mauricio become a styling prodigy in Colombia and Latin America.

Precisely, Leal was part of how Andrea Serna, presenter of the Challenge, has changed by providing adjustments to the look of the Valle del Cauca, hence her death has taken the national entertainment sector by surprise.

Mauricio Leal, famous hairdresser in his own home, passed away

The stylist was found dead along with the body of his mother, Marleny Hernández, a 67-year-old woman. His bodies were found on a bed in a locked room in his own home on the outskirts of Bogotá. The authorities began to provide details about what happened in the middle of the investigation they are carrying out on the case, reviewing security cameras in the house and throughout the sector.

It was revealed, for example, that Leal canceled his appointments and events for the day. At the same time, it was learned that the bodies were found by Mauricio’s brother, Jony Rodolfo Leal, in the company of the man who works as the family’s driver. Also, the CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office revealed that Leal’s body had stab wounds in the abdomen. Additionally, Marleny’s was covered with a sheet and without injuries.

Although the first results showed that inside the house there are no signs of stolen objects or forcing of doors, the hypothesis of an assault would not be ruled out at the moment.

Also, some celebrities began to express their sadness and pain over the death of Mauricio Leal, leaving messages on their social media accounts:

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