Psychotic disorders: what they are, causes and main characteristics – Online Psychologists

Although they may seem like fiction and move on the border between reality and hallucination, psychotic disorders They are a very real problem. In fact, they are estimated to affect 1.2% of the population, especially the elderly.

So much so that Maria Elena comes to the consultation terribly worried, not knowing very well how to explain what has happened to her. And it is that, from one day to the next, she had stopped being herself. She had stopped living in her house, she had stopped, in fact, living in this world to start sailing through a alternative realityin which the fantasy had come to life and she had lost control of the situation.

Maria Elena has been the victim of a psychotic outbreak brief, which has generated hundreds of questions about the state of his mental health.

What are psychotic disorders?

When we talk about psychotic disorders we refer to a type of mental disorder that is characterized by a profound distortion of reality.

Those who suffer from it experience both hallucinations and delusions. Two terms that are often confused and interchanged in the popular imagination, but which describe different phenomena.

  • The hallucinations They are unreal sensory experiences that can affect both the sense of sight and other things. That is to say, a hallucination can consist of perceiving that there is someone with you who does not exist or tasting food that you have not actually put in your mouth.
  • The delusions are false ideas or beliefs that prevent those who suffer from it from thinking clearly. Those who suffer from it often lose track of who they are. They may believe, for example, that their life is in danger, which can lead them to develop conspiratorial behavior.

However, one should not assume that one suffers from a psychotic disorder simply because one experiences hallucinations, delusions, or both.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from a disorder of these characteristics, Put yourself in the hands of a mental health professional able to analyze your situation and issue an accurate diagnosis.

If you notice that your mental health is deteriorating and that you are losing control of your life, it may be time to contact an online psychologist.

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What are its causes?

The circumstances that can lead to the appearance of a psychotic disorder are very varied. Among them we can distinguish:

  • Genetic predisposition. If your parents have experienced psychotic disorders, it is more likely that you may also develop a disorder with these characteristics.
  • Alcohol and drug use. The disorder can appear both during the period of consumption and during a period of abstinence.
  • Having lived traumatic experiences or very severe duels.
  • Suffer certain diseasessuch as Alzheimer's, epilepsy, dementia, Parkinson's, HIV…
  • Taking certain drugs.
  • Having suffered a stroke.
  • Being subjected to large amounts of stress.

Characteristics of psychotic disorders

  • The patient experiences delusionsor illogical beliefs that you can't seem to shake off.
  • Also experience hallucinations uncontrollable that can be visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory or tactile.
  • Convulsive and disorganized thoughts.
  • Incongruous speech.
  • Excessive agitation.
  • Total or partial lack of reaction to real stimuli.
  • Difficulty expressing emotions.
  • Inability to make decisions.
  • Mutism.
  • Difficulty experiencing pleasure.
  • Problems establishing social relationships.

Is it possible to treat psychotic disorders?

Despite the severity of the disorder, it is possible to treat psychotic disorders. To do so, it is necessary to put yourself in the hands of a psychiatrist able to assess your situation and perform the necessary tests to determine the causes of psychosis.

If you want to help someone who is experiencing a disorder of this nature, the best thing you can do is support them. Keep in mind that The duration of treatment may vary and that sometimes it will be necessary to abandon work or student life to move forward.

Sometimes, those who accompany people who suffer from these disorders can see their mental health severely affected. If this is your case, do not hesitate to contact a mental health professional.

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