What does a Human Resources Business Partner do within the company? – Online Psychologists

There are those who claim that companies are going through «the era of people» and that, far from thinking only about benefits, they are increasingly thinking about employees. In this context, the Human Resources area is becoming increasingly important. And, at the same time, so are positions such as that of Human Resources Business Partner or HRBP.

This tendency to value human talent It is a blessing for both the company and the workers. For the workers, because feeling valued at work has a very positive influence on mental health. For the company, because workers who feel valued are more motivated and, therefore, more productive.

If we want to achieve all this, It is necessary that the Human Resources department and the company management row in the same direction. And that is where the HRBP figure becomes important.

What is a Human Resources Business Partner?

The figure of the Human Resources Business Partner serves as link between the Human Resources department and senior management of the company.

This is a relatively new profile, but it is nevertheless becoming more and more important. Its role is essential for internal communication, since it is up to it to ensure that the plans outlined by managers reach employees.

And although it is a position that requires knowledge and experience in the Human Resources area, in reality the HRBP works side by side with senior management in a company.

It is vitally important that the Human Resources department has a place at the top of organizations. In this way, companies demonstrate that they value their human capital and give it a central position. personnel management.

And, as we have already mentioned, it is essential that those responsible for organizations are aware that their greatest value lies in people. Only when this occurs can there be a optimal working environmentwhere workers feel comfortable.

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What are your tasks?

Being a senior position in the company, people who occupy the HRBP position have a great responsibilityFor this reason, they do not perform one, but a multitude of tasks, among which are:

  • Guide the Human Resources department towards business objectives

The main function of a Human Resources Business Partner is to make of bridge between management and the HR department. And, although it may sound simple, it is a very important task.

Why? Well, because it is necessary to know what the objectives set by the top management are, in order to be able to communicate them to the Human Resources department. In this way, The information will reach the majority of employees and we will ensure that there is good internal communication.

If all the parts that make up the company are aware of what the objectives are, it will be much easier. join forces to achieve them. And it is in the hands of the HRBP to achieve this.

In the business field, be aware of the latest trends It is always very important. Even more so if we are talking about the area of ​​Human Resources, because if a business does not measure up in terms of people management, it can lose the talent that exists within the company.

That is why it is very important that the Human Resources Business Partner Work closely with the HR department when analyzing personnel management. You need to know what has worked and what has not, so you can introduce the necessary changes and innovations.

An HRBP cannot allow his company to lag behind the rest.

For this reason it is a creative profile, which You must know how to get the best out of your teamUltimately, the decisions made by the Human Resources department will affect all employees and directly influence their perception of the company.

  • Promoting innovation within the company

After analyzing the trends that are successful in the sector, the HRBP must be prepared to develop and introduce innovation plans in your company. These innovations are intended to meet the needs of the public, so that the organization can grow and differentiate itself from the competition.

And, of course, they must also resolve any potential problems within it and make the environment as favorable as possibleOnly in this way will employees be motivated to work and be able to grow and achieve good results.

  • Managing large-scale conflicts

In line with this last point, it should be clarified that the Human Resources Business Partner, As a Human Resources professional, you also take part in the conflict resolution.

One of their tasks is to study what works and what doesn't within the company. It is their obligation to maximize the first and resolve the second. And, for everything to go well, it is necessary that serious conflicts are resolved in the shortest time and in the best possible way.

The role of the Human Resources Business Partner in talent management

Talent management is a key point for any company. Attract, retain and maximize the skills of the most talented profiles is extremely important when it comes to differentiating yourself from the competition.

If the company in question fails to make its best employees feel valued, then they are likely to choose another company in the sector where they are valued.

This is one of the main reasons why the figure of the Human Resources Business Partner It is so important to analyze the performance of workers and discover who gives more value the company is part of its functions.

Once you are clear about who stands out, it is your job to offer them a career plan that can take them in an upward direction, as well as the training necessary to climb within the company.

We could say that its function in this case is guiding talent in the right direction, ensuring that it has a future within the company and giving it a differentiating role within the teams. In short, to guide those who may aspire to lead within the company itself.

What qualities should an HRBP have?

As we have already said, the Human Resources Business Partner You must have experience in the area of ​​Human Resources. In addition, you should have some knowledge of business and be closely familiar with the company you work for.

And, to properly perform its functions, it should be able to:

  • Communicate assertively and clearly, so that management's ideas reach the rest of the company correctly.
  • Ability to manage problems.
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence, Well, you should not forget that the HRBP often deals with workers.
  • Analytical capacity, This will allow you to analyse the company's needs and implement the relevant changes.