The role of hormones in our mood and foods that help us regulate it – Online Psychologists

To the set of Factors and circumstances that influence our mood And in our happiness (economic, academic or work situation, social relationships, level of self-realization and self-esteem…) we must add what we eat and when we eat. Without a doubt, that famous saying «we are what we eat» couldn't be more true. Just as the number of calories we ingest is closely related to our body weight, what we eat and when we eat it is directly related to our mood. How? Very simple.

Our body, and specifically our brain, is provided with a series of neurotransmitters and hormones to which Science has attributed, among others, a key importance for emotional regulation.

What hormones and neurotransmitters regulate our mood?

Serotonin (5HT)

Its role as a neurotransmitter is very important. Secreted from tryptophan, it influences important functions such as humorhe moodhe dream, control and inhibition of the anger, sexual behavior…

Serotonin deficiency is associated with depression, so people diagnosed with this disorder are prescribed drugs that act directly on this neurotransmitter in order to improve depressive symptoms. Serotonin is also associated with other mental disorders such as autism or schizophrenia.

Dopamine and Norepinephrine

The main functions of these neurotransmitters can be highlighted as stress control, attention control, alertness level towards everyday events, anger control, reflexes, feelings of fear, etc.

  • Endorphins

  • They are responsible for providing general well-being, happiness and pleasure. They are hormones that are mainly secreted during physical exercise, pleasurable leisure activities, laughing, having sex…


By definition, adrenaline is the hormone of strong emotions and stress. It is secreted in greater quantities when we interpret or feel the event we are experiencing as physically or emotionally intense.


This hormone, commonly called the «love hormone,» lives up to its name since it is responsible for increasing sexual desire and pleasure during sexual relations, increasing mother-child attachment ties, and intervening in facilitating childbirth by secreting breast milk for breastfeeding the baby.


This hormone regulates our «internal clock.» It is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin deficiency is associated with chronic episodes of insomnia and fatigue.


They are female hormones associated with the menstrual cycle and reproduction. Their levels drop considerably during menopause, leaving women 'unprotected' and more prone to calcium deficiencies (which can cause osteopenia or osteoporosis), changes in body temperature (hot flashes), mood swings, headaches, etc.


It is the male hormone par excellence, although women also secrete it in small quantities because, in addition to intervening in the development and growth of the male sexual organs, it also plays an important role in the development of muscles and hair, it intervenes in body fat levels, in the regulation of physical energy, in libido levels, in physical aggressions…

  • It is a fundamentally female hormone, as it is secreted mainly in the ovary and is involved in the menstrual cycle, in pregnancy… after childbirth and during lactation, progesterone levels usually decrease considerably, becoming very low.

Food, a key point

Now that we have learned a little about the important role that hormones play in regulating our mood, psychologist specializing in eating disorders I would like to recommend some foods that help keep the levels of these hormones «in check» and that will end up benefiting us in one way or another.

First of all, just as a good nutritionist would do, we should recommend a balanced, healthy and varied diet, which includes all types of food and in adequate quantities, neither in excess nor in deficiency. We should not skip any meals and have a good breakfast every day. This is what I recommend to patients affected by eating disorders on a daily basis.

Since we live in a Mediterranean country, the best diet we can follow is the ''Mediterranean Diet'', since numerous studies have shown that, due to the variety of foods it includes and its characteristics, it is a type of diet that provides us with all the nutrients necessary to maintain our health in an optimal state. For some reason, the Mediterranean Diet has been granted the category of ''Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity'' by UNESCO.

What foods should we eat to feel better?

  • Foods that help improve discouragement and depression
  • Virtually all fruits and vegetables, but especially those vegetables with a high percentage of vitamin C (orange, strawberries, kiwi, lemon), banana, pineapple, lettuce (with a high content of tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin), garlic, avocado or asparagus.
  • Nuts such as walnuts and legumes such as chickpeas.
  • Bluefish: tuna, salmon or mackerel are good examples due to their high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, which help alleviate symptoms of depression or anxiety.
  • Whole grains, rich in folic acid and tryptophan, help maintain stable blood glucose levels and prevent sudden mood swings.
  • Eggs and dairy.
  • Green tea and chocolate (preferably dark chocolate), which are high in flavonoids, boost mood and help prevent numerous diseases such as certain types of cancer.

Foods that help alleviate the symptoms of menopause

  • Soy
  • Broccoli
  • Nuts such as walnuts
  • Whole grains, rice, oats
  • Blue fish
  • Eggs and dairy products

At this stage of a woman's life, experts recommend accompanying these types of specific foods with high amounts of calcium to prevent osteoporosis and doing moderate exercise to avoid weight gain that usually occurs due to the cessation of hormones and the consequent increase in fat mass in menopausal women.

Foods that help improve concentration and memory

  • Chicken, eggs
  • Walnuts
  • Carrot
  • Milk
  • Salmon, sardines, tuna
  • Paste

Finally, as an added piece of personal advice, I recommend doing moderate physical exercise daily, or at least 3 to 4 sessions a week, enjoying the sun with protection and a pleasant family and social life to enjoy good health in general and excellent mental health, in particular.

About the author of the article

Mari Carmen Nevado, Psychologist from Jaén registered number AO 07757, is specialized in eating disorders as well as anxiety and mood disorders. During her career as a clinical psychologist she has treated, above all, patients with disorders derived from obesity or overweight. Applying a cognitive behavioral therapyMari Carmen also offers psychological treatment to anyone who needs it and feels they have a problem in a certain area of ​​their life.