Marian Rojas: discover who is behind the emotional health bestsellers of the moment – Online Psychologists

Marian Rojas Estapé (Madrid, 1983) is a psychiatrist who graduated from the University of Navarra in 2007. She currently combines her work at the Spanish Institute for Psychiatric Research with her role as a collaborator in various projects and universities.

A is declared Passionate about the world of the mind and human behavior, throughout his career he has dedicated a lot of effort to researching how knowing how the human brain works helps us live in a more conscious way and manage our emotions.

She is also the author of works such as How to make good things happen to you and Find your vitamin persontwo key works when it comes to learning how to manage stress, emotions and get the most out of your life.

With more than 200 thousand followers on Instagram, Marian Rojas has become quite a thing influencer and uses its networks as a channel for disseminating mental health and emotional well-being.

The beginnings of Marian Rojas Estapé

After finishing her medical degree, Marian Rojas decided to go to Cambodia to collaborate on a charity project.

Once there, he began working in the Somaly Mam Foundation (AFESIP), helping girls who were in brothels after being sold to sex trafficking networks. Their intention was to better understand the story of these young women. victims of sexual violenceso he had to go into brothels to achieve his goal.

As Marian herself says, this experience changed her life in many ways and Since then, she has collaborated with the foundation to help prevent sex trafficking.

In addition to working on Somaly Mam, he took advantage of his stay in the Asian country to collaborate with another NGO, For the smile of a child. It is an organization that works with thousands of boys and girls in a situation of extreme poverty in Cambodia to get them to have a worthy futureThe NGO works tirelessly to give them an alternative and offers them training and education to move forward.

On this trip Marian Rojas worked with both organizations and He performed therapy on all those girls who carried traumas that were difficult to overcome. It was an experience in which he discovered, or rather, ratified his vocation for Psychiatry.

In 2012, she decided to go to London for a while to work in a hospital there and delve deeper into the field of somatization, one of the topics that interests her most currently.

His professional career

As Marian Rojas herself states, the union of mind and body It is one of the main fields of study and action to understand human behavior and diseases.

«I believe that good emotional management is key to being happy. We cannot look at the body or its symptoms without investigating emotions and the mind»

Throughout her professional career, this famous psychiatrist has dealt with topics such as happiness, stress management or toxic peopleBut emotional well-being has undoubtedly been a constant subject for Marian, “learning to manage emotions is one of the keys to enjoying life.”

His role as lecturer She also has an important role in her career, as well as that of a populariser. In addition, since 2013 she has been a Guest Professor at the IPADE business school in Mexico.

Marian makes compatible the psychiatric clinical practice with the psychotherapeutic psychology and treats different mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, personality disorders, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder, among others.

Besides, has published two books in which he reflects his interest in personal development, in learning to manage emotions and thus improve our daily lives.

Marian Rojas' books

How to make good things happen to you (2018)

This is a book that marked a before and after in his life, as it became the Bestselling book of 2019.

For Marian, happiness consists of living in the present, after overcoming the wounds of the past in order to look to the future with hope. With the publication of this work, the famous psychiatrist tries to make readers understand the importance of learning to manage our emotionsbecause they determine our life and our ability to be happy.

Through this book the author makes us consider the importance and the impact that our emotions and thoughts have on our body and even in our perception of reality.

Are we aware of the connection between the body and the mind? Most of us are not, so this book becomes a very useful tool to understand these types of important issues that we hardly pay attention to.

Find your vitamin person (2021)

Why do certain people make us suffer so much? Why are there people who tend to fall into complicated relationships over and over again? Do we love as we were loved? Through this book, Marian Rojas takes on the task of answering these questions.

Find your vitamin person It will help you understand the bond you have with those people around you and realize how important it is to find those «vitamin people» who bring us positivity and serenitythose with whom it is possible to forge a strong and healthy bond.

Vitamin people are those who, as Marian herself says, encourage us when we are feeling down, trust us, inspire us and bring us peace.

It is a work in which the author brings us closer to attachmentto the childhood or to love from a psychological, scientific and human point of view.

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Marian Rojas and happiness

For Marian, Happiness has been a recurring theme Throughout her career, many people have come to the psychiatrist in search of the key to happiness. So it is not surprising that she has such a clear opinion on the subject.

For Rojas, happiness is in our hands and the attitude we have towards life is decisive in many cases. resiliencethat is, the ability we have to suffer and overcome what happened, is also key to being happy.

As she herself states, Most of the things we worry about never happenor at least not as we imagine them, so it is important to live in the present if we want to be happy.