Discover the anti-anxiety rings that have gone viral on TikTok – Online Psychologists

TikTok is on its way to becoming the king of social media, and with good reason. Every day, millions of viral content is shared on the platform that seek to entertain, inform and make users' lives easier. This last objective is what the developers aim to achieve. rings against anxiety.

What are anti-anxiety rings?

The name says it all: they are small pieces of jewelry set with rotating spheres that you have to spin in case of suffering an anxiety attack.

The way it works is simple: when you sense that anxiety is about to start, play with your ring. Easy, yes, but do they really work? How can something so simple be able to keep anxiety at bay?

Anxiety rings do work. However, you should know that The only thing they can avoid is the appearance of anxiety attacksnot the anxiety disorder itself.

The secret of its operation? Well, these rings emulate the exercises of mindfulnessMindfulness is a practice that involves focusing the mind on the present moment. Its goal is to put the focus of attention on the body and away from the mind and its ruminating thoughts.

One of the simplest techniques that experts recommend practicing mindfulness This is the raisin exercise. Practicing it is as easy as taking a raisin between your fingers and, with your eyes closed, passing it through all your senses: touching it, smelling it, leaving it on your tongue, biting it… Doing this reduces stress and anxiety because It forces you to be focused on the objective sensations that your body perceives. and not those that your mind perceives, which are more subjective.

Similarly, anti-anxiety rings act as an anchor to the present and also allow you to release nervousness through a repetitive and harmless movement.

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Other devices similar to anti-anxiety rings

This is not the first time that social media has made a device capable of keeping anxiety at bay fashionable.

Many years ago, the fashion became fidget spinners: toys made of plastic with a circle in the center and three others around it that, when rotated, helped calm anxiety attacks and the nervousness common in children with hyperactivity, among other things.

However, you should know that no anti-anxiety toy or accessory is capable of working miracles. While it may be useful to carry one of these devices with you in order to avoid the unpleasant symptoms of an anxiety attack, you should know that they can do nothing against an anxiety disorder itself.

If anxiety has become a constant in your life and you are not able to get away from worries and stress for even a second, maybe it is time to put yourself in the hands of a mental health professional.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First briefing free by clicking the button below.