What is sorority and why is it important for women? – Online Psychologists

Since 2018, the Royal Spanish Academy accepts the term sorority, defined as «friendship or affection between women» and also as «relationship of solidarity between womenespecially in the fight for their empowerment. In a masculine world, where the value of brotherhood reigns among men, the patriarchy has imposed for centuries the idea that women are bad and cruel to each other.

It is not a coincidence that women compete with each other. It is not due to biological factors, nor to a nature worse than that of men. One could say that Competition between women is a trick of the patriarchal system to avoid collaborationsince only through solidarity and organization can we escape the yoke of oppression. Clara Serra, a researcher at the University of Barcelona and a feminist, known for being the spokesperson for Podemos in the Madrid Assembly, states that «Men with power are calmer when we are fighting each other.«.

In the face of this imposition of rivalry between women, sorority emerges, a term that comes from the Latin word «soror», carnal sisterThe revival of the feminist movement brought with it the popularization of this term coined by Marcela Lagardea Mexican politician and researcher, as equivalent to the English «sisterhood.» Lagarde herself states that «The alliance of women in commitment is as important as the fight against other phenomena of oppression and to create spaces in which women can develop new possibilities in life.»

The alliance of women in commitment is as important as the fight against other phenomena of oppression.

Sisterhood goes through help other women And as we grow, it is reflected in our relationships with others. Little by little, it is possible to discover sisterhood in every corner: in the hug of a friend, in the hand that offers to help you and in the slogans of feminist demonstrations where young and old women, of all origins, raise their voices shouting «I do believe you» or chanting the famous «Relax, sister, here is your pack.»

But it's not just that, sisterhood It also involves realizing that you live in a patriarchal society. that oppresses you and, in the same way, oppresses other women. It consists of being aware that gender violence, harassment, and even small derogatory comments or the division of household chores have nothing to do with your individuality: they are the fragments of the oppression that affects the community of women.

Only through sisterhood can women surround ourselves with others who understand our experiences. So, all together, we can stand up to patriarchy and try to dismantle the power structures that have historically elevated men and kept us in an eternal second plane that is only now beginning to fade.

How to practice sisterhood?

  • Consider other women as equals: the others are companions, not rivals.
  • Listen to their experiences and provide support: You will realize that you have many experiences in common and you will be able to feel understood and make others feel the same.
  • Avoid sexist comments: As human beings, women are also part of the patriarchal system and have grown up influenced by it. Realize that you have internalized misogynistic behaviors and strive to put a stop to them.
  • Speak out against harassment and gender-based violence.
  • Don't compete with other women, support them: Men have fewer obstacles to success, because until recently it was considered an exclusively male domain. Support other women's projects so that they have an easier time climbing the ladder.
  • Be kind to others and to yourself.

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