How to stop gambling addiction – Online Psychologists

Before going deeper into the subject, the first thing we need to know is what it is about. gambling addiction; thus we can say that the etymological origin of the term is found in Latin and is the result of the union of two words: ludus which means «game» and patia which is something like «illness»,

Then you can say that the gambling addiction It is becoming a disorder that occurs progressively in behavior whereby a person who suffers from it feels compelled (due to a need that he cannot control) to play in a persistent manner, which negatively affects his personal, vocational and family life; this behavior being conceptualized, classified and treated as an addictive disorder.

Gambling addiction is characterized by people who suffer from it having difficulties in controlling their impulses, which usually manifests itself in compulsively practicing one or more games of chanceThis condition can completely affect the life of the person who suffers from it; and something very important is that it should not be confused with a vice, because this is a disease, it is an addiction and as such it must be treated.

Causes of gambling addiction

Even though the causes of gambling addiction are far from being completely known, science has been able to advance enough to be able to identify the causes. factors that increase the risk of suffering from this addictive disorder. This is how factors have been identified psychological, neurobiological, social and even genetic which come together to make a person more vulnerable to this disorder that affects between 0.1 and 5.8% of the world's population.

However, the difficulty that a person has in resisting or exhibiting repetitive behaviors are two of the situations that can cause them to suffer from gambling addiction; even though many other people fall into this addiction because they find in it a way to release stress or simply to escape from a personal, economic or work problem.

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Symptoms of gambling addiction

The symptoms that a person suffering from gambling addiction may present are:

  • Tolerance: In the same way as with drug tolerance, the person suffering from gambling addiction needs to make larger or more frequent bets in order to feel the same thrill.
  • Worry: The compulsive gambler frequently has thoughts related to gambling experiences, which may be past, present or a product of fantasy.
  • Evasion: To escape from their problems, the person plays and tries not to think.
  • Abstinence: When you try to stop playing you experience a lot of restlessness and irritability.
  • Rematch: always try to recover what you lost by playing more.
  • Lies: He tends to hide the amounts he spends on gambling, telling lies to those around him. Similarly, if he is unsuccessful in trying to reduce his gambling, he can lose control.
  • Illegal actions: Sometimes they may break the law in order to have money to gamble or to recover what they have lost.
  • Risking important relationships: Even when his attitude may mean risking or losing an important relationship, he continues to play.
  • Turn to others: They usually turn to members of their environment, that is, family, friends or third parties to obtain the money they need.

Relationship of gambling addiction with other problems

According to experts, gambling addiction can lead to other disorders such as depression, anxiety and even heart problems as a result of stress. Likewise, complications may arise with other problems that may include:

  • Problems with alcohol and drug use.
  • Social, legal and financial problems.
  • Reaching the point of attempted suicide.

Like other addictions, gambling addiction is a chronic disorder that can get worse if left untreated; in fact, even when the person suffering from it is under treatment, they can have relapses. However, when the appropriate treatment is given to gambling addicts, their prognosis is very good.

How to quit gambling addiction

To quit this addiction, three fundamental steps must be followed:

  • First you have to admit that you have a problem.
  • You have to be willing to admit it to others.
  • You must be prepared to receive the necessary help with the help of therapy. In the first session with our team of online psychologists It's free. Schedule an appointment and tell us your case.

We must note that overcome an addiction It is not an easy process, but it is not impossible. Many people manage to stop gambling. It should also be noted that there are no secret recipes and even less magic formulas; you must have determination and will, together with the work and effort that must be made to achieve it.