Mery Soldier: «My New Year's resolution is to get back to therapy» – Online Psychologists

Maria Soldado, better known as Mary Soldier (Valencia, 1993) is a player and content creator linked to the gaming sector. EsportsAlthough she studied Biotechnology in Valencia, she ended up moving to Madrid and is now one of the streamers most important in the Spanish-speaking community.

Persevering and a fighter, Mery has managed to make a place for herself in the masculinized world of video games. She started stream 6 years ago playing his favorite video games such as League of Legends and Fortnite. Since then, its community has not stopped growing and has already accumulated more than 400 thousand followers between the platform of streaming and his Instagram profile.

In addition to creating content on her social media and streaming on Twitch almost daily, Mery collaborates with several brands as an ambassador, such as Newskill and Prozi. She also creates content for clubs e-sports Spanish, such as Falcons, and has a journalistic side that has led her to do interviews for Redbull Gaming Mixtape.

She is known for not mincing words and she shows it daily on Twitter. She has no problem speaking her mind and doesn't hold back when it comes to responding to haters, Although he has confessed that he prefers to block them for the mental load which is supposed to be.

Mary Soldier and mental health

Maria has always been transparent when talking about mental health. A year ago she shared messages with her followers in which she confessed: «My anxiety is back«I feel quite bad.» The popular streamer has suffered negative comments and also She has lost friends because they didn't understand that she needed her personal spaceThrough social media and various interviews, Mery Soldier has been giving clues about her health status and the measures she was taking.

Her mental health problems have continued until the end of this year when, saying goodbye to 2021, Maria confessed that His mental health had worsened since the middle of this last year.

This statement was received with words full of affection from followers and friends like the Olympian Alberto Gines either Miarewho encouraged her not to give up. Several followers posted their own stories on the social network related to the anxiety or depression. And María is very clear about the influence she exerts and does not miss the opportunity to normalize and highlight the importance of mental health.

My mental health has been going downhill without brakes since the middle of the year until now, so my New Year's resolution (the real one, no kidding) is going to be to get back into therapy to get out of this dark place I'm getting myself into ♥️ Happy New Year to all of you

— MERY SOLEDAD (@mery_soldier) December 31, 2021

Maria's «really, no kidding» New Year's resolution is to resume therapy to, as she herself explains, “get out of this dark place I’m getting into.” Thus, the young woman from Valencia puts mental health in the spotlight.

She is an example for all her followers who are living the same circumstances as her and shows that there is a solution. As the young creator maintains, “Showing my weaknesses does not make me stronger or weaker, it makes me a person.”. In this way, he recommends his followers to attend therapy.