The psychological study that confirms that the more intelligent you are, the lonelier you are – Online Psychologists

The smarter you are, the lonelier you are. This is what a research published in the journal British Journal of Psychology which states that When intelligent people spend more time with their friends, they are less happy.

The truth is that most of the time we assume that the people further sociable are the happierbut the truth is that There is an exception to this rule, the intelligent people.

This study sought to analyze the relationship between the amount of company and people's happiness. It was discovered that the greater the amount of social interactions, the happier the population felt, except for people with an IQ above average.

People with average intelligence are happier if they live in small cities or towns with a small population, but they like to socialize with their friends and their surroundings. While people with higher intelligence show the opposite.

Therefore it was concluded that the smarter is a person and more socialized with the others, the less satisfied she feels with his life.

Why are intelligent people lonely?

Intelligent people are more focused on achieving what they set out to do and fulfilling their goals, so They don't feel the need to socialize and they see it as a distraction.

In addition, their cognitive ability prevents them from enjoying everyday activities that most people enjoy because they analyze every factor and enjoy it less compared to people who have an average IQ.

They are people who feel misunderstood most of the time and displaced of a reality with which They do not feel identified which causes them to isolate themselves and prefer to be alone.

Another reason why people with higher than average IQs tend to prefer solitude is because they don't need the acceptance of others.

Loners by evolution

The human being is social by nature and this is due to all the limitations we have on a physical level as a species. In order to hunt we needed the help of other members of the group, so loneliness was not an optionAs we began to overcome these limitations, the need for company gradually diminished.

According to researchers, people who have a higher IQ than the rest are more evolved and have more ability to solve problems. Therefore they do not feel the need to resort to others, which makes them more independent by nature.

They feel that they do not need help or support because they can do everything themselves, which causes them to unconsciously isolate themselves.

Intelligent people and their relationship with depression

Intelligent people tend to have a quick mind that makes them question everything that happens around them and this increases the risk of suffering from some type of emotional disorder.

In many cases, these people enter a spiral of worries and anguish that consumes them and from which it is very difficult to escape when you think about everything that is happening, all the time. In these cases, do not hesitate to ask for help from an online psychologist. As in physical health, in mental health, an early diagnosis facilitates treatment.

In addition, more and more researchers believe that there is a relationship between high IQ and depressionThey claim that excessive concern about what is happening around them and excessive self-criticism can lead to some type of emotional disorder.

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