The Grinberg Method: paying attention to our body – Online Psychologists

He Grinberg Method Activity Centerin Barcelona, ​​is the first and main accredited center in Spain for the practice of this technique / Photography: Grinberg Method Activities Center

New therapies, also called third generation therapiestake into great consideration an element that until then psychology had barely considered: the body. The current of the Humanistic Psychology It is the paradigmatic example and its different disciplines – systemic therapy or transactional analysis, among others – are the clear example that mind and body are one.

In this sense, it is also worth highlighting The Grinberg Methoda technique that guides us towards full knowledge of our body and teaches us to direct our full attention towards it, in order to be able to unravel our internal psychic processes through the soma.

This body therapywhich started around the 80s and has spread with great reception throughout the West, is based on the improving the health of the individualoffering in turn that personal freedom that will allow us to be able to determine who we are and how we are under any circumstance.

For this, the Grinberg Method makes use of physical techniques and exercises, employing touch, movement and conscious breathingin order to work on our ability to pay attention to what is happening in our body.

Although it is not considered – nor does it wish to be considered – a medical technique, a tool similar to physiotherapy or a professional assistance mechanism, its results and the benefits it offers are very close to healing or personal help.

The Grinberg Method aims, as a consequence of its praxis, to enable the individual to get rid of habits, routines and prejudices that harm his or her life. In this sense, the method aims to lead the individual to a new approach to concepts that are socially stereotyped under specific and generally negative ideas, such as fear, pain, personal history or the sense of the body in general, beyond being our façade.

In short, a series of basic concepts that appear in all types of learning offered by the Grinberg Method and that are not far from the thinking of the most innovative psychotherapies of today. Who has not thought of mindfulness or Brainspoting? They also follow the idea of ​​developing and enhancing full attention to the body, and advocate for the non-separation between body and mind.

Useful sessions for different cases: who is the Grinberg method indicated for?

He Grinberg method It is aimed at anyone who wants to develop this technique consciously, even without knowing whether or not they have an internal problem, and at those individuals who, without knowing the fundamentals of the method well, dare to try it because they are aware of a reality: there is a conflict within them. From there, The method offers two models of individual processes which will be implemented according to the circumstances of each patient, but which in both cases will consist of one-hour sessions:

  • Learning process. Focused on personal development, this process focuses on achieving an objective, a goal, that the patient brings to the session, and that can be from the resolution of a physical problem – such as a digestive disorder or breathing problems -, learning about emotional management or a project in hand that the client would like to make a reality. The Grinberg Method will guide the individual towards learning through the body, helping him to recognize the obstacles he finds in his path in order to know how to overcome them and develop the necessary and ideal capacities to carry out the personal project. Above all, one learns how to manage fear, the experience of color and the detachment from toxic routines.
  • Recovery process. Aimed at treating physical conditions, especially indicated for those who suffer from chronic and recurrent pain or who have suffered physical trauma. This process is based on the idea that “the body heals optimally if given the right conditions,” say the experts of the Grinberg Method in Spain. Following a pattern similar to the previous process, here the client is taught to allow fear, feel pain and not avoid it, calm the mind and focus attention on those parts of the body that require it. This increases the intensity with which the body will fight to heal itself.

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