Loving yourself: the best tricks to achieve it – Online Psychologists

Loving yourself is essential to enjoying life and learning to manage the situations that a person faces throughout his or her life. However, life is full of difficulties and training self-love is not always easy.

What do you have to do to love yourself?

Sometimes we go through stages in which we do not value ourselves enough. For this reason, we leave you a series of tips that serve to learn to love oneself:

One of the main actions you must take to love yourself is to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.

You must Taking care of your health at all levels if you want your body to function properly.

That's why it's essential that you sleep well, rest, exercise, avoid being sedentary and maintain a balanced diet. Eating and sleeping well are two very important factors when it comes to taking care of yourself.

  • Do activities or projects that are important to you

It is very difficult to love ourselves 100% if we do not get involved in projects that help us achieve the objectives we set for ourselves. This will allow us to aspire to achieve certain goals and each step we take to get closer to them will be a source of pride.

Also, so too avoid falling into the monotonyWe will not be doing the same routine every day. We will continually expose ourselves to new tests in which we will demonstrate that we are capable of achieving what we set out to do.

And, if this does not happen, also We will learn from our mistakes and love each other with our limitations.

  • Recognize your self-sabotaging thoughts

When a person lacks self-love, they may fall into constant self-deprecation and spend much of their time focusing on their imperfections and weaknesses, overlooking their positive aspects.

It is necessary that this negative vision takes a turn. We must see everything in a globalized way, that is, reflect on what we think about ourselves every day and remove negative expressions that do not let us continue.

One way to improve in this area is to write down what you think about yourself every day. It's like keeping a kind of emotional diary.

Throughout the week you will be putting the thoughts you have about the things and actions you are doing. In this way, when the week is over, you will be able to detect how do you value yourself and give you some guidelines to change it.

If you are unable to recognize the positive aspects of your personality, perhaps it is time to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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  • Stay away from toxic people around you.

A good start to loving yourself is to distance yourself from those people who don't contribute anything.

There are always those who, instead of supporting you and being there for you through the good and the bad, seem to only seek to sink you further. They are toxic people who only seek to make you more vulnerable so they can take advantage of it. Stay away from those people. Surround yourself with those who make you feel good and with whom you are comfortable.

Sometimes it's not easy to walk away from someone. But over time you'll realize that there's no point in maintaining a relationship with someone who's consuming you. You'll look back and feel like you've freed yourself from something that was holding you back and didn't let you grow and move forward.

  • Don't feed relationships that are based on dependency

Just as you have to distance yourself from toxic people, you should also distance yourself from those who create you emotional dependence. If you want to increase your self-esteem These people will only achieve the opposite effect.

Be emotionally dependent on someone It nullifies you as a person and it makes you stop loving and valuing yourself. Remember that your happiness and self-love should not depend on others, but on yourself.

Jealousy not only harms you but also those around you. Jealousy is often a sign that the person who projects it has the low self-esteem. Your jealousy turns into suspicions, paranoia and fears caused by your own insecurities.

When you notice that you are feeling jealous, start to focus your attention on other things. Don't focus on everything the person you are jealous of does or says, direct them towards yourself. Reflect about your own beliefs about yourself. This way you will know why you think so pessimistically.

  • Recognize your achievements daily

If you want to get a good view of your true self, you have to recognize both your virtues and your defects. Learn that we are all unique just the way we are.

When you have something to do feel proud, Acknowledge it. Reward yourself with compliments and even gifts. Not excessively, as that would make you a narcissist. To avoid this, you must also recognize where your limits are and the mistakes you make. Don't bring up the negative when this happens, remember that you learn from everything in life and that You can always find a good side of everything that happens to us.

What if I still don't love myself?

As we have mentioned, sometimes a series of tips for loving yourself are not enough. If you are unable to increase your self-esteem and continue to sabotage yourself, ask for help.

Go to a mental health professional. This will help you through a series of guidelines to improve every day and, in addition, it will give you tools so that you can face your insecurities. This way you will get a balanced self-esteem that will allow you to enjoy a full life.

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