Marisa Paredes, the Almodóvar girl who fought against depression – Online Psychologists

It is a universally accepted truth that fame is a loudspeaker, a sort of podium from which celebrities can shout so that their voice reaches the world and, in the best of cases, helps all those who have their eyes on them. Marisa Paredes knows this very well, because He made his film debut at just fourteen years old. and gained fame thanks to great directors such as Pedro Almodóvar.

Far from being known only for her film and theatre roles, Marisa Paredes has always been present against injustice: many Spaniards will still not have forgotten when actors united against the Iraq war at the Goya Awards gala in 2003, when she was the President of the Spanish Film Academy. She recently spoke about her depression in an interview with journalist Cristina Pardo.

«I had a depression. […] I was lacking energy, I was tired, I cried all day… I didn't want to live, I didn't want to go on.. Depression came into his life shortly after the cinema opened its doors to him, when he was still very young. Nowadays, it is increasingly common for young people to suffer from psychological problems, and scientific studies indicate that 75% of mental illnesses appear before the age of 20. «It was because of stress,» the actress confesses. «I've been working since I was fifteen, my whole life has been spent in this profession.»

Fortunately, Marisa Paredes had professional help and was able to overcome her illness: «The psychiatrist told me 'you'll get over this, that's the only thing I can tell you to calm you down'»However, she is not unaware of the fact that she is fortunate, as the limited number of psychologists and psychiatrists in the social security system often prevents people with fewer resources from accessing effective care.

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Marisa Paredes' criticism of politicians

Cristina Pardo took advantage of Marisa Paredes' testimony to ask her about a hot topic: The cries of «Go to the doctor» that Íñigo Errejón received after claiming the importance of mental health in the Congress of Deputies.

Not content with calling them unpresentable and senseless, Marisa Paredes has placed special emphasis on the fact that politicians are not immune to suffering from mental illness: «What happens is that They do have money to go to the psychiatristThat is the difference once again: class status. They do go to the psychiatrist, they do stuff themselves with pills, they can. And you, if you are poor and you go to the doctor, there are no psychiatrists. And if there are, they only stay for five minutes, because they can't keep up.

Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, reported in 2017 that Spain only has 106 psychiatrists per million inhabitantsa figure that places it in fifth place from the bottom among the countries of the European Union. APNIR, the National Association of Clinical and Resident Psychologists, gave a devastating figure a few months ago: Of the 9,000 clinical psychologists in Spain, only 30% work in the public health system.

More and more celebrities are speaking out about the importance of mental health: recently Demi Lovato and Amanda Seyfried have spoken about their psychological problems. However, it is not enough to talk about it, It is necessary to invest in public health and to increase the ranks of psychologists and psychiatrists to prevent mental disorders from taking more lives.

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