❓​ Frequently asked questions about anxiety: we give you the answers – Online Psychologists

Anxiety is one of the most discussed topics in the consultation of the psychologist. It is also one of the issues that most concerns our patients. And, for that reason, it is one of the problems that generates the most doubts for them.

In order to answer the most common questions about anxiety, we have prepared a guide in which we seek to clarify your frequently asked questions about anxiety.

What is the difference between anxiety, stress and depression?

  • Anxiety: A physiological response to a threat that may be real or imagined. It is characterized by a combination of physical symptoms, such as labored breathing, trembling or sweating, with psychological symptoms, such as constant worry, insomnia or problems concentrating. Although anxiety may appear occasionally, it tends to last for a long time.
  • Stress: physiological response to a danger that is usually external and easily recognizable, such as a job interview or an exam. It shares symptoms with anxiety such as worry, accelerated pulse and breathing, and sweating, but these symptoms tend to be punctual and less intense.
  • Depression: A psychological disorder characterized by intense and debilitating sadness. Those who suffer from it experience very low bodily activation and, therefore, have such low energy levels that even the simplest tasks, such as getting up in the morning, become complicated.

Is it possible to live without anxiety?

It depends on what we mean by anxiety.

Anxiety as a specific response is an absolutely normal phenomenonwhich is present in people's lives to a greater or lesser extent.

We all experience anxiety at some point, for the simple fact that it is the mechanism that our body puts in place to deal with threats. We turn to it because it has enabled us to successfully overcome problems since time immemorial.

However, it is entirely possible to live without an anxiety disorder. In fact, it is common, although more and more people are suffering from this problem. Anxiety as a disorder is a sign that things are not working as they should: Your body keeps you alert even when there is no threat.

What do I do if intrusive thoughts won't leave me alone?

One of the symptoms present in anxiety disorder are intrusive thoughts: unpleasant ideas that appear again and again and are very difficult to control.

Have you ever thought about kicking a bin when you were angry? Or have you ever wondered what would happen if you had left the fire on at home? These are examples of intrusive thoughts, which They appear without warning to express a fear or a concern that, if not managed correctly, stays in our minds and lives on.

When a thought escapes our control and begins to undermine our well-being, it is necessary to cut it off at the root. This It doesn't mean we have to repress these thoughts.since we would only be making the problem worse.

A good way to free yourself from intrusive thoughts is letting them outTalking to someone or writing about it can be good ways to vent.

If you do not feel able to express it, or if doing so does not improve the situation, do not hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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Can I be to blame for my anxiety?

Reducing the causes of anxiety to just one would be simplistic and wrong. As with depression, it is a multifactorial disorder, which arises from the action of several factorsGenetics, the existence of other diseases, personal experiences and addiction to alcohol or drugs are just some of the variables that we must take into account in the equation.

However, Self-perception and self-esteem also influence the development of this disorder.That is, how we see ourselves can trigger anxiety, since it influences how we treat ourselves.

For example, People with unstable self-esteem are more prone to anxiety than those with stable self-esteem. This is because unstable self-esteem depends largely on the results of our actions. When things go well, these individuals have a good perception of themselves, but when things go wrong, their self-perception plummets.

For this reason they tend to be highly demanding peopleYes, something that can lead them to develop anxiety. Self-demand is problematic because it often leads us to aim for an ideal of perfection that does not fit our circumstances, our capabilities, or our possibilities.

The desire to improve is very positive, as long as we are aware of our limits and set realistic goals. If We accept that we can fail And yet we try, perfect. The problem comes when perfectionism is so rigid that even the slightest inconvenience paralyzes us.

To get out of this problem, it is necessary to change the belief system: to modify limiting thoughts with healthier ones. If not, then we will be creating the perfect breeding ground for this self-demand that arises from ourselves to become an anxiety disorder.

What do I do if it is my close circle that makes me anxious?

Just as your own expectations can cause you anxiety, so can the expectations of others. People who depend on their inner circle, or who rely heavily on their opinions, may experience anxiety. difficulties in managing external pressure.

Advice from those who care about us can be very useful, but only when it is requested. If you are constantly bombarded with opinions, and especially if these opinions are contrary to your own, you may end up being a victim of stress or anxiety.

The best thing we can do to stop these comments is reevaluate what we expect from those around us. Once we are clear about what our values ​​are and what role family and friends play in our lives, we need to sit down and talk with them and make clear what we expect to receive and what we can give.

If your social relationships cause you anxiety, don't despair. At we have helped thousands of patients get back in touch with their loved ones. We have been experts in online therapy since 2012 and we can help you in your fight against anxiety.

If you want to try one First briefing free, do not hesitate to contact us.