Pablo Motos' lesson on the smartest thing you can do in this life – Online Psychologists

Pablo Motos has once again touched the hearts of audiences with a very emotional message. At a time when mental health has become a recurring topic in the media and on social networks, the popular presenter has reminded us of the importance of ««knowing when to leave on time».

What is the smartest thing you can do in life? Motos wondered.

There is nothing smarter than knowing how to leave whatever happens on time. From a marriage that is failing, from a love that is ending, from a party that is starting to get boring, from an addiction that enslaves us or from a job that drives us to despair. Leaving in time any place, person or thing that embitters us, that cuts our wings and that does not let us live is the most intelligent thing that can be done.

Leaving on time does not mean giving upLeaving a place you are in can be difficult, but you will most likely gain by leaving. Especially from places and people that are not good for you.

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Leave means to have the courage enough to give up everything that we once saw as the love of our life, the best option for happiness or the job of our dreams. Events that today no longer benefit us and that we have to say goodbye to in order to be grateful for in the future.

However, There is an exception. I don't think there is any need to leave life on timesays Pablo Motos. Life sometimes surprises us when we least expect it. And it sounds very mythical, but The best things happen when you least expect it. So in life, «it's better to be pushed around, otherwise when you think you can't take it anymore, the best awaits you.»

Sometimes the one who has everything is very empty

Pablo Motos

Also We learn when we leave and where we go. Life is a train and each carriage is a moment of our life. We must know when and where to get off. Each season will bring us a series of people, moments and experiences that will make us grow as individuals. People pass through your life to teach you something, whether good or bad. You learn from everything.

Many times we will have a hard time leaving a stop to get on another. That is, It will be difficult for us to leave. But everything happens for a reason, if we have to choose another destination it is because something new and beautiful awaits us. On the trip we go through a tunnel of emotions that make us consider going back and giving another chance to the previous destination. However, we have to look aheadWe must not remain anchored in the past becauseThe actions of the present will determine our future.

There are those who think that the most intelligent thing you can do in life is make money, seize power or leave a mark from his time here. Perhaps this may not be the smartest thing. People like that waste their lives thinking about getting these things instead of enjoying the ephemeral. Sometimes, He who has everything is very empty.

There are also those who say that the smartest thing What can be done in life is hear. Nowadays, the value of being heard is very lost. As Paul says, “most of us do not know how to listen when someone else is speaking.”

There are times when someone is speaking, and all we do is turn down the volume. We only think about what we are going to say next. This is not listening. Listening is not thinking about anything while another person is speaking so that we can focus your attention on itHowever, Pablo Motos says that “this is dangerous because it could change our opinion. A fact that affects our ego”.

We are more concerned with what the rest of us say than with our own opinions. We live wanting to be above without caring about who we step on to get to the top. vaccine for this pandemic of egocentrism is the modesty.

Paul Donésa few days before dying, he told Jordi Evole that the smartest thing that could be done in life was don't worry so much.

The concern never cures anything, but steals your lifePablo Motos advises that, “since we are here, without really knowing why or for whom, we should take everything but seriously.” Don’t run away from anything, not even from yourself. Enjoy the experience of lifeeven the bad. In the end, everything is part of a learning process in which there is no day that is not worth living.

We must abandon that innate need to want to impress others. Of being aware of what people will say. Of surrounding ourselves with those who we believe are better than others because of their money, fame or gossip.

Hang out with people who make you feel goodwho brings out the best in you by being with them. But above all, remember that The person who will be with you all your life is you.. Therefore, you must know where and when to leave. Because you are the most important of the trip.

From Psychia We are sure that psychological therapy will help many people to be able to leave. To be able to embark on a new journey. If you want to be one of them, don't hesitate to try a free session by clicking on the button.