Chronophobia at work: overcome the irrational fear of the passage of time – Online Psychologists

As time goes by we get older. Normally, people are aware that this cannot be changed, but that does not prevent some from experiencing a irrational fear to let time pass.

We are used to living day by day, enjoying every moment without thinking about tomorrow. However, there are people who cannot bear the idea that time passes. They need have it under control And unfortunately, time cannot be frozen. This is a phobia that is called chronophobia.

Chronophobia is a phobia of a specific character and therefore a anxiety disorder.

What symptoms does it have?

The main symptom that generates chronophobia is the fearThis terror will be the cause of anxiety and will generate great discomfort in the person who suffers from it.

Chronophobia can cause serious alterations in the lives of people who suffer from it, since they are constantly in contact with their phobia. That is, they cannot forget the passage of time since it is something that is there.

In addition, this type of phobia can appear anytime, anywhereWhen this occurs, it is difficult for the person to avoid the phobia and possible anxiety attack that this may entail.

Chronophobia generates some characteristic symptoms.Apart from anxiety, confusion, lack of concentration or thoughtlessness are some of the signs that indicate that we have a phobia of the passage of time.

In the case of chronophobia, a series of events also occur. physical and physiological signs. Among them, we can find headache, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth or tremors.

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Overcome your fear of the passage of time and forget about chronophobia with the professional help of a psychologist.

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What are its causes?

There is nothing specific that explains why it happens, since the phobic stimulus that induces it is more complex and abstract than in the case of other phobias. For example, in the case of fear of flying or fear of spiders we know what the main cause is.

What is certain is that the vast majority of specific phobias are caused by a traumatic experience. Normally this experience usually occurs in childhood. This happens due to an associative learning called classical conditioningClassical conditioning is a concept that was investigated Ivan Pavlov.

Another cause of chronophobia has to do with the beliefs and values of the person. That is, there are people who have irrational beliefs that make them not have a real vision of life. All this generates in the individual a lack of acceptancein this case, about the passage of time.

On the other hand, there are individuals who present a anxious personality which facilitates the appearance of the phobia.

What is chronophobia at work?

Work can cause anxiety, fatigue and distress in employees. In 2022, many workers and companies have had to face the harsh reality that 2020 left us with.

We are in a situation where Workers live immersed in a pit of uncertainty. Chronophobia is having a profound effect on companies. The confusion it causes makes us wonder what will happen to our company's finances, our salaries, or even our own jobs in a few years.

Covid It is a concern inside and outside the office. No one wants to get infected and the workplace can be a potential site of infection.

All of these factors make workers' heads spin. They can't think about anything other than the time they have to go to work or the time they spend in the office, exposed to possible dangers. This has caused the majority of workers to have their work life affected. mental health. Fact that has generated a consequent delay in their work productivity and therefore, absenteeism from work.

Chronophobia at work has created a group of people who live very worried every day. An intense concern about work that generates a high level of anxiety in those who suffer from it, increased by the certainty that, while they work, time continues to advance and can leave them behind.

How to treat work chronophobia?

Phobias need time to eliminate them. It is a serious health problem that directly affects your routine. Therefore, the first step is face that we are wrong.

  • You must take time to reflectr. Find out what you are afraid of about time passing, going to the office, or your job.
  • Learn to enjoy the moment. When you finish your day, don't think about what you have to do tomorrow at the office. Put aside your future obligations and focus on today. This will prevent anxiety about something you don't know yet from appearing.
  • Talk to yourself. Ask yourself what it is that scares you about your job or what generates that phobia and fight to change it.
  • Let go of controlYou have no control over the passage of time or what will happen in your office in the future. You must focus on enjoy what you can control.

Chronophobia is really overcome when we live in the present moment. When we stop pressuring ourselves with our obligations. We must learn that At every stage of our life there are incredible things that we have to take advantage of.

We will also have some duties to fulfill, but we must integrate them in a natural way. The less we obsess about everything, the more our anxiety will reduce, and therefore, our phobia.

Why a psychologist to help you?

Talk to a mental health professional will help you control chronophobia at work. With the Exposure therapy and behavioral therapy They will help you change the way you see the object or situation that scares you.

With a psychological treatment You will overcome the fear that causes you anxiety and distress. You will regain the confidence you had lost in yourself and you will be able to regain control of your life. You will no longer be controlled by your phobia.

In addition, they will teach you self-control techniques for stress management that you can use in any type of everyday situation. Specific phobias are one of the Problems that are easier to deal with and quicker to solveThe more specific the phobia, the easier it is to treat.

If you need help, in Psychia We offer you what you need. Do not hesitate to contact us if you suffer from any of these symptoms, typical of chronophobia at work. With our team of professional psychologists We will help you overcome your phobia through therapy.