Laura Sanchez and the problems with her divorce – Online Psychologists

Mental health continues to make headlines in the press, and celebrities are joining the wave of recounting their experiences. They are not strangers, by any means, to personal situations that increase the chances of suffering emotional instability, such as a divorce. This is the case of the actress Laura Sanchezwho admitted to having suffered mental health problems during their separation.

Laura Sánchez was the romantic partner of former footballer Aitor Ocio for six years (from 2004 to 2010, with the birth of their daughter, Naia, in 2006). A breakup that we can describe as little less than complicated, due to the start of a legal dispute over custody of the minor. A moment that Laura Sánchez describes as one of the worst stages of her life.

If all the consequences that come with a breakup With a bitter ending, you add the explosive ingredient that is the fight for custody of a daughter, in which you also lose that legal battle, it is easy for it to become one of the biggest obstacles you can encounter.

More than a decade after the separation, time has served to heal the emotional wound caused by the divorce and «losing» her daughter. The actress wants to bury the hatchet, acknowledging that «A daughter cannot be without her mother, but neither without her father». A phrase that gives a key role to the former player, without taking away his essential role in Naia's life.

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Mental health problems can have serious consequences and even lead a person to develop diseases. Laura Sánchez suffered so much emotional stress during the legal process that it resulted in the appearance of diabetes: «It is a disease that, at these ages, debuts due to emotional stress. There is no history of it in my family,» explained the former contestant of MasterChef Celebrity.

Therapy is one of the pillars that the actress has relied on to continue her career. So much so that she says that going to a specialist is one of her favorite moments: «The happiest day of the month is when I go to the psychologist«.

This is an essential message in a society where therapy is still stigmatized. In fact, despite being in a pleasant phase, Sánchez stresses the importance of going, no matter how well you feel: «I encourage you and I believe that should be mandatory «go to a consultation, whether you are well or unwell,» he said.

Family, work and love: the keys to Laura Sánchez's recovery

Fortunately for the actress, The relationship between her and her daughter Naia is idyllic: «I only ask that everything continues like this. I have the total support of my daughter, my partner, my friends, my work and myself.»

As for how she faces her current love relationship with singer David Ascanio, Laura Sánchez remains as enthusiastic as she was initially. She says that the key to her stability as a couple is in four steps: «Our secret is love, respect, patience and downplaying situations.»

Due to the profession of both, They don't find too many time periods to enjoy together. Business trips and long stays thousands of miles away are a handicap in the relationship. For this reason, they try to squeeze every minute, without anger for trifles that involve the detonating about an argument: «The fact that we don't see each other every day has an influence. So when we do see each other, why argue?» she explained about her life as a couple.

Breaking up a relationship of several years is always difficult, and even more so when there is a small one involved. If you see that you cannot face a process like Laura Sánchez's, Psychia we can give you the help you need.

We have been offering online therapy since 2012 to cope with the stress that such a process entails. complicated and adverse What is a divorce? If you want us to help you, you can request a free first appointment by clicking on the button.