I don't know what decision to make. What do I do?

We continually make decisions that are important to us. However, Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the magnitude of a decision.. This often happens when we sense that what we decide will mean an important change in our lives.

Why is it so hard for me to make a decision?

It is normal that deciding is hard, especially if you are going to affect your future and you consider it important.

This is exactly what happened to Juan, one of our patients, who was having a hard time deciding whether or not to leave his job. Juan had been trying for several years to find answers to his questions, but he never managed to find a solution.

This happens when you put some too high expectations about a certain decision. When you believe that it will completely change the course of your life, you tend to weigh the options and possible consequences more deeply, fueled by the fear of choosing the wrong path.

However, you should keep in mind that even the smallest decision can change the course of your life. You should also know that Almost everything in life has a solution and that if you make the wrong decision, chances are you'll be able to fix it sooner or later.

This doesn't mean that your decisions don't matter.

Sometimes in extreme situations, we tend to make quick decisions, without thinking about what might happen. Surely you have sometimes underestimated the consequences of your actions and ended up paying for it, and you know that it is not a pleasant situation.

However, Excessive reflection also leads nowhere. In fact, it is often disabling.If you spend too much time analyzing which path to take, you are likely to stay put. That is why Juan contacted us to receive help from one of our psychologists.

With the help of an online psychologist, she was able to develop the tools necessary to speed up her decision-making.

It is important to note that in these cases, going to a psychologist does not mean that he or she will decide for you, but rather that he or she will help you make that decision for yourself, working with you and helping you to move towards the decision that you consider best.

How does a psychologist help you make decisions?

Working with a psychologist can help you work through the issues that are keeping you from making a decision.

  • Managing your thoughtsA psychologist will help you to see which thoughts are more positive than others, which ones have more weight in your life, that is, which ones you consider more important or matter more to you when making that decision.
  • Knowing how to control anxiety. Sometimes these decisions make us extremely nervous and cause irritability, nervousness, insomnia, etc. With the help of techniques that a professional will advise you, you can get rid of the anxiety and you will learn to think more clearly.
  • Recognize your insecuritiesWhen faced with possible changes, we tend to turn towards the place where we feel most comfortable. We stay in our comfort zone and do not face situations that distress us or seem difficult or changing.

Try a free session

If you find it difficult to make decisions, ask a psychologist for help and learn to manage your emotions and thoughts.

Make an appointment

Tips for learning to make decisions

Decisions are part of your life and you have to be making them all the time, what are you going to wear today, what are you going to have for breakfast, etc. Sometimes, it may be more difficult for you, especially if they are very important issues that will have a strong impact on your life.

  • Don't beat yourself up. Putting so much pressure on yourself is not good. Breathe, stop and think and trust yourselfThere is no one who knows you better than yourself, evaluate the options and decide calmly.
  • Calculate the probabilities. All options have pros and cons, weigh them and choose according to your criteria.
  • It's okay to failIf you have made a decision and it has not turned out to be the right one, it is okay. We all make mistakes and it is part of our learning process in life. Keep trying.
  • Don't ignore itIgnoring it or putting it off can be negative, as it will only increase the pressure and reduce your ability to be objective.
  • Accept the resultIf you fail, it's okay. Acknowledge the mistake and use it to your advantage for future learning.

Do you need to better manage your options? Contact one of our psychologists and arrange a consultation first briefing session completely free.