The Ginebras group sings about anxiety in the second preview of their upcoming album – Psicólogos Online

If you suffer from anxiety, you have surely thought more than once «I wish anxiety would go away.» The same thing has happened to Magüi, Sandra, Raquel and Juls. The members of the group Gins They sing about this disorder, which is becoming more and more widespread, Anxietythe second preview of their upcoming album.

Gone are the days when musicians sang about love, heartbreak and little else. Artists have grown tired of seeming like unattainable gods, always on their own altars in the form of stages. However, although in recent years hearing celebrities talk about their health problems has become common, it is not so common for them to dare to release songs like Ginebras' latest single.

With this song, the members of the group responsible for songs like The typical song and the rock version of With height Rosalía's video had in mind to help a friend. This is what they say in the description of the video clip, which already has almost 20,000 views on YouTube:

«I wish anxiety would go away, yes, but it's not that easy. This started out as a song for a friend who was a little sad, and it ended up helping us feel better in some tough times, so we hope it helps you feel better too.

The video shows the four members of the group riding a roller coaster. A very well-chosen metaphor, since anyone who has ever suffered from anxiety will be familiar with the emotional roller coaster that this condition entails. After the release, the group wrote on their Instagram profile: «Here is a little piece of our heart to talk openly about this shit that It is more common than we would like«I encourage all the people who sometimes feel like they are on a roller coaster.»

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Anxiety according to Ginebras

With just a few sentences, Ginebras has managed to faithfully show what it feels like to live with anxiety. What they describe as «a lump in my chest that hasn't let me sleep for a long time» It is, in fact, a feeling of fear that appears when facing a possible danger.

Although anxiety is a common feeling that all human beings feel at one time or another, if it extends over time it can become a disorder. Anxiety disorder is a problem characterized by constant and disproportionate worrywhich can appear with or without reason and which affects the way in which you perform your duties.

For Ginebras, anxiety «is like a wound, it doesn't heal with band-aids» and when it comes to managing it «it's not so easy to breathe and meditate.» Among its symptoms we find:

  • Concern.
  • Insecurities.
  • Indecision.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Memory problems.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Mood swings.
  • Rapid heart rate.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Insomnia.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sweats.
  • Shivers.

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