The invisible dangers of TikTok for teenagers – Online Psychologists

It may seem crazy to read headlines like 'Child dies from TikTok challenge', however, they are real and the worst of all is that there are quite a few of them. The platform is becoming the social network of the moment, with 3.5 billion downloads since its launch and, far from the perfection that most people present on social media, TikTok is ruining the lives of many young people due to its viral challenges.

Reinforcement of mental health and addiction problems

Using TikTok can reinforce young people's mental problems in several ways. Firstly, the content found on the app can increase anxiety and depression in those who are already dealing with these issues. One of the clearest examples is if, for example, a teenager is struggling with their body image, the sheer amount of videos of people with 'perfect bodies' can make them feel worse about themselves and increase their anxiety.

Also, as in all other social networks, the online harassment It is common on TikTok and can have a negative impact on young people’s mental health. Being bullied can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety and depression, and can worsen pre-existing mental health issues.

TikTok addiction can exacerbate young people's mental health problemsIf a teen is already struggling to regulate their online behavior, excessive TikTok use can make matters worse and affect their ability to function in other areas of their life. The algorithms are very accurate and know what content you want to see.

Wellness Guide

The TikTok Wellness Guide is a series of videos that offer Tips and techniques to help users take care of their mental and physical health while using the appThe guide focuses on topics such as self-care, stress reduction, anxiety management and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Videos are available in a specific section of the application called “For you” and are created by content creators and wellness experts from the TikTok community. The guide also includes resources for further information and support, including links to mental health organizations and self-care resources.

Some of the topics covered in the guide include breathing exercises and meditationyoga and stretching, nutrition tips, tips for better sleep, stress and anxiety management techniques, and ways to foster positive and healthy relationships.

The platform has proposed an initiative, which Instagram already had. When a user searches for the word «suicide» or phrases related to it, you will obtain information about local support and protection means that provide guidance…

The most dangerous challenges

As we have already mentioned, there are several dangerous viral challenges on TikTok that have led to people losing their lives, some of them are:

  1. The «Blackout Challenge» or «Fainting Challenge.» This challenge involves suffocating yourself until you lose consciousness and then wake up. Unfortunately, this can cause brain damage and even death. In 2021, a 10-year-old girl died in Italy after attempting this challenge.
  2. The “Benadryl Challenge.” It involves taking large amounts of Benadryl, an antihistamine medication, to experience hallucinations. However, taking too much Benadryl can cause serious health problems, including seizures, coma, and even death. In April 2023, a 13-year-old boy died in Ohio after performing this challenge.
  3. The “Outlet Challenge”. This challenge involves inserting a charger plug partially into an electrical outlet and then placing a coin into the socket, which can cause a dangerous short circuit and a fire. In 2020, two teenagers in Massachusetts suffered severe burns after attempting this challenge.

These are just a few examples of the dangers that can arise from viral challenges on TikTok. It is important for users to be aware of the risks associated with these challenges and avoid participating in them.

How parents can help with moderate TikTok use

Parents can help their children use TikTok in a moderate and healthy way in several ways:

  1. Set time limits. Parents can set time limits for their children's TikTok use and ensure that the limits are reasonable and fair.
  2. Monitor content. You can consider monitoring the content your children view on TikTok to ensure they are not exposed to inappropriate or harmful content.
  3. Promote dialogueCommunicating with children in their teens is difficult, but you should talk to them about as many topics as possible, in this case about the use of TikTok, thus encouraging an open and honest dialogue about the risks and benefits of the application.
  4. Teach self-control skills. You can teach your children self-control skills to help them avoid addiction to TikTok and other online apps.
  5. Encourage offline activities. Suggest that they do other activities, away from new technologies, such as sports, board games and other forms of entertainment so that your children do not depend solely on the use of TikTok.
  6. Go to therapy. If they are not able to get their child to moderate their use of the app, going to therapy may be a good option. Mental health is very important at all ages, but as they grow older, when their knowledge is becoming more established, it is even more so, so they should not be allowed to 'lose their minds' with viral challenges or be influenced by any type of video.

In summary, parents can help their children use TikTok in a moderate and healthy way by setting time limits, monitoring content, encouraging dialogue, teaching self-control skills, and encouraging offline activities.

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