Hypersomnia: symptoms and treatment – Online Psychologists

Do you feel tired throughout the day despite having slept well? You may be experiencing the hypersomniaa sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness after an acceptable period of sleep. Sleep quality, quantity and timing are therefore affected.

Types of hypersomnia

The problem of the hypersomnia is that the sleepiness It lasts almost all day and you have trouble waking up. Your sleep is not deep or restful. To be considered a true sleep disorder, it has to occur 3 times a week for at least one month. There are two types of hypersomnia:

  • Primary (idiopathic) hypersomniaThere are no organic causes that explain it and sleep is usually normal. You can sleep for 20 hours and still be tired when you wake up. In addition, primary hypersomnia includes irritability, instability, impulsivity, hallucinations and problems with memory and speech.
  • Secondary hypersomnia. It is due to poor rest due to not sleeping enough hours or because sleep is interrupted. It should be noted that drugs, medications and psychiatric disorders influence the development of hypersomnia. Therefore, secondary hypersomnia is not the disorder, but a symptom due to an alteration.

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Symptoms of hypersomnia

The feeling of drowsiness It develops and increases throughout the day, followed by several behaviors things to worry about:

  • Difficulty staying awake
  • Tiredness, fatigue
  • Lack of concentration
  • Sensory loss
  • Lack of attention
  • Memory loss
  • Movement problems
  • Irritability
  • Confusion
  • Poor performance

These symptoms, in turn, bring with them personal problems, since if you suffer from hypersomnia and feel these symptoms, your work, family, social and partner life will be affected.

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Causes of hypersomnia

Although the causes are not known for certain, there are always problems or disorders behind them. sleep apneafor example, is one of the main causes of hypersomnia. In sleep apnea, breathing becomes difficult while sleeping because the throat does not allow the passage of air correctly. There are 3 types of apnea:

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea. The most common. It occurs when the muscles relax. throat musclesso that the airways close or narrow and when you want to breathe you don't get enough air. Gasping, choking, panting… Throughout the night, these may occur between 5 and 30 times an hour, preventing stable, deep sleep.
  2. Central sleep apnea. The brain has stopped sending signs to the muscles involved in breathing. This type of apnea is less common and means that for a short period of time, you do not make an effort to breathe. You may wake up feeling like you are drowning, like you are having trouble breathing, or you may have trouble falling back to sleep.
  3. Complex sleep apnea syndrome (or mixed apnea). This occurs when a person suffers from obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea simultaneously.

Tips to prevent hypersomnia

The hypersomnia It could be prevented if it corresponds to the second type, secondary hypersomnia, since it is the result of something specific that causes the deprivation from the dream. These are some Recommendations:

  • Follow a routine and schedule to do your homework.
  • Plan your time. You can make a list of priorities.
  • Exercise. Sport keeps you active and will reduce the feeling of sleepiness.
  • Take breaks throughout the day.

Treatment of hypersomnia

A correct one sleep hygiene It is essential (time to wake up and go to bed), just as it is important to practice sports.

In the field of the psychologythe treatment will be from cognitive-behavioral techniquesAs a patient, you will learn to manage the problems arising from hypersomnia, to identify the first signs of sleep and to focus your attention. In addition, you will practice both physical and mental exercises to control the onset of sleep and the level of consciousness.

Any sleep disorder It affects the quality of life and hypersomnia is a very serious disorder because it affects the day-to-day discourse, whether in personal relationships or in work tasks. You can fall asleep at inopportune moments (for example, while driving), putting your life in danger. The uncontrollable desire to sleep means that you cannot continue with your daily routine. It is a disorder that must be treated immediately so that your health does not decrease. performance capacity at all levels (work, personal or social).