What is achiote good for? Here’s everything you didn’t know

If you are one of those who do not know what is achiote foryou must learn that this spice is important in the kitchen but it would also bring many health benefits.

For many cultures in the world, achiote turns out to be a product that generates veneration. Originally, it is said that this spice has its origin in the Philippines and, additionally, that this yellowish red natural pigment that is extracted from the seeds of bixa orellana, would be a fundamental element in the cosmetic and gastronomic industries thanks to its properties for the Health.

In case you want to know what the mango leaf is for or you want to know what the main benefits of achiote are in various aspects of life, then we will tell you everything we know about it:

What is achiote used for in the kitchen?

This spice, so famous in the culinary world, finds its best version in the preparation of Asian and Mesoamerican-influenced dishes that are made in the pib (an underground oven native to the Mayans), such as the cochinita pibil. Also, achiote is usually part of spicy foods such as curries and masalas in China and India, respectively. Also, it would be a good marinade for all kinds of animal proteins in the Latin American culinary culture.

What is achiote good for in health?

Although there is no scientific evidence to support it, achiote would become of great importance for health. It could prevent different eye diseases such as cataracts, premature blindness and macular degeneration, due to the presence of bixin among its components. Both the seeds and the leaves of achiote contain fiber, which is why they would be very useful as an intestinal dewormer and at the same time help solve problems associated with heartburn.

What is the medicinal plant achiote for?

Among other substances, achiote contains vitamins A, B and C, as well as calcium, iron and phosphorus. Thanks to these elements, it would be ideal for home management of fever and reduce headaches. In some cases, its infusion would also serve to control diarrhea, improve respiratory conditions associated with conventional flu and even to combat and eliminate throat infections.

What is achiote good for on the skin?

It is known that achiote contains a large amount of antioxidants that would help delay the signs of aging and eradicate free radicals that destroy dermis cells. Masks or creams made from this spice would be very useful to relieve burns, wounds or minor irritations. There are those who also believe that achiote would help as a sunscreen when applied directly to the skin, but it is best to consult a dermatologist to know the implications of using this type of product on the body.

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