How to stop feeling guilty about things from the past – Online Psychologists

The feeling of guilt can appear at any time in our lives, but the truth is that there are people who take longer to leave this emotion behind and others who experience guilt for acts they have not even committed, which can be very destructive for those who suffer from it.

None of us are perfect and therefore We all make mistakes on more than one occasion. But we must move forward and overcome our mistakes, because constantly blaming ourselves for them means an unnecessary waste of energy that does not bring us anything positive.

When the feeling of guilt becomes long-lasting, it can lead to physical consequences such as a feeling of pressure in the chest, stomach pain, or a severe headache.

If you want to stop constantly blaming yourself and experiencing aggression towards yourself, read the following tricks that will help you control your feelings.

10 tricks to leave guilt behind

1. Think rationally about where that feeling comes from. You have to identify the reasons why you feel guilty if you want to overcome those negative feelings in the shortest possible time..

2. Don't be too hard on yourselfIn most cases the feeling of guilt is disproportionate.

3. Don't try to eliminate all feelings of guilt. Sometimes it is an emotion that helps us to be better people. Feeling guilty from time to time can, to a certain extent, be something positive for us.

4. Don't keep those feelings to yourselfTalk to someone. A friend, your partner, a professional… Sharing those feelings can help you overcome your fears.

5. Don't blame yourself for what you couldn't avoid. We often blame ourselves for the misfortunes of others, but we must remember that we are only responsible for our own actions, thoughts and words and that we cannot control everything that happens around us.

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6. Don't let society condition you. Sometimes this feeling of guilt is related to how we think others see us or to the demands that others impose on us. Be aware of this and do not assume blame that does not correspond to you.

7. Forgive yourself. Don't be too harsh, the hardest step is to forgive ourselves even when others have already done so.

8. Look to the futureYou made a mistake in the past, but now the most productive thing to do is to look to the future and think about how you can undo the damage. Guilt is never the solution because it traps us in the trap of immobility and suffering.

9. Do a good deed. Helping others often helps both the person offering help and the person receiving it. However, you must understand that good deeds will not undo your actions, but they will help you move forward in a more positive way.

10. Ask for help. If you feel like you can't do it, ask for help. Remember that we all make mistakes and sometimes we need someone to help us see the bright side of things. A professional, like the one you can find at , will help you learn to forgive yourself and be true to who you really are, thus avoiding inappropriate behavior that will mark you for life.

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