Julian Contreras, son of Carmina Ordonez: «It is always a mistake to try to take your life away»

Julian Contreras He is perhaps the least known of Carmina Ordóñez's sons. Unlike Cayetano and Francisco Rivera, Julián Contreras has not dedicated himself to the world of bullfighting. After opening and closing a restaurant, without much success, and working at the Copacabana bingo hall, he has begun a new professional stage.

He defines himself as coachspeaker and writer. And we can say that this last facet has brought him many joys, because his novel Artisanal In just a few months, it reached number one on Amazon's list of the 100 best-selling books.

However, for Julián Contreras, not everything has been as easy as succeeding in the world of erotic literature. His life has been marked by the death of his mother, who died at the age of 49 in 2004 due to an overdose. The last of Carmina Ordóñez's children was only 18 years old when his mother died.

The divorce of his parents, the end of his life in Marrakech and the death of his mother caused Julián Contreras' mental health to deteriorate considerably. Recently the writer has been interviewed by the Youtuber Luc Loren and has spoken openly about the suicidal thoughts that accompanied him for several years.

Julián Contreras: «I have written 420 farewell letters»

Although he is excited about the stage he is currently going through, Carmina Ordóñez's son has no qualms about admitting that he went through a depression that made his life very dark. But «life is very twisted and very complicated and suddenly it shines. Things happen that make you think 'I would have missed this'.

Fatigue and doubts about whether to take his life or move on marked his depressive period. However, these problems, so common in patients with depression, were not the only ones. Contreras warns that his use of psychotropic drugs got out of hand, to the point of becoming addicted to antidepressants: «They are drugs that help and are necessary, but they are not the solution.»

If you often think about taking your life, or if you feel a deep sadness that prevents you from leading a normal life, perhaps you should seek the help of an online psychologist. Keep in mind that psychotherapy can help you find reasons to live and manage bad times in an effective and healthy way.

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Julián Contreras' addiction to psychotropic drugs came, in part, from the lack of psychological support. «I was a victim of the social whip. I constantly wondered what would happen in my life if I made these things public, if I told it. This leads you to hide parts of your life that shouldn't be hidden and, what's worse, it prevents you from asking for help when you need help.

This led Julián Contreras to consider suicide on numerous occasions: «I have written 420 farewell letters»he confesses, although now he understands that he had many reasons to continue fighting.

Going to a psychologist is a fundamental part of managing suicidal thoughts and overcoming depression.

If someone you love is showing signs of wanting to commit suicide, you can help them:

  • Avoiding conflicts.
  • Offering them support and listening.
  • Helping them find reasons to continue living.
  • Urging them to go to the psychologist.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First briefing free by clicking the button below.